The ICANN 50 meeting is being held in London this week. Although I chose not to attend, there are many people who are attending the meetings. As you might expect, some of the most interesting discussion doesn’t take place during the organized sessions, and similarly, some of the most candid discussion takes place via Twitter.
I am not inclined to listen to the ICANN meeting audio stream, but I am sort of following along via Twitter. If you search (or click on) the #ICANN50 hashtag, you can follow along with the meeting. Some participants have been sharing their candid thoughts about the discussions and others have been offering commentary based on the proceedings.
If you didn’t make the ICANN meeting but you are interested in following it from afar, I think Twitter is a good way to learn about what is happening. You can also listen to the sessions in a variety of languages, with links to each session found within the ICANN website.