Estibot Founder Launches

I received an email from Estibot founder Luc Lezon announcing that his company launched,  “a unique service for acquiring expiring and expired domain names.” It seems to be quite comprehensive, and I plan to check it out over the next few days to see if it helps my business.

The value proposition for is the amount of data the service provides about dropping domain names. According to the press release I received (and posted below), “ provides access to over 100 data points for each domain (such as pagerank, searches, CPC, backlinks), 30 of which are proprietary and only available on the website, and allows users to search through a constantly updated database of 7.5 million domains.”

There are three levels of accounts on The Basic account costs $49.95/month, Intermediate is $99.95/month, and Advanced is $149.95/month. Obviously, you get more features with the higher level account you have.

Interestingly, I believe founder Francois Carrillo had launched a service on back in 2009. Since the domain name is still under privacy guard, I don’t know if Estibot/Luc owns this domain name or if it’s owned by Francois.

Press Release:
Locate and Acquire Valuable Expired Domains with the Newly Launched ( (, the recognized leader in domain name appraisals, today launched, a unique service for acquiring expiring and expired domain names. aggregates expiring domains from all of the major registrars, marketplaces and backorder services and provides detailed analytics for each of the 250,000 daily expiring and auctioning domains. With over 7.5 million domain names in their active inventory and a wide selection of search and filter options, is the most comprehensive and feature packed dropping site in the industry. is an innovative service designed to help users find and acquire expiring, recently expired and available domain names that match their specific needs. The service includes a powerful set of tools, filters and reports that greatly simplify and improve the user experience and make finding the right domain names quick and easy. provides access to over 100 data points for each domain (such as pagerank, searches, CPC, backlinks), 30 of which are proprietary and only available on the website, and allows users to search through a constantly updated database of 7.5 million domains.
A major highlight of the service is the simple and feature packed interface which makes browsing through the daily added 250,000 domain names easy and intuitive. With never before available access to analytics, such as archived pagerank, previous web site backlinks, website content and much more, gives users the power to uncover great domains, that would normally go unnoticed when using other services. is the only service that offers access to the following advanced data sources:

– Historical Whois/ Ownership Reports
– Unique Domain Backlink Reports
– Search Volume/ CPC/ Ad Competition
– Pagerank & Wayback Crawler
– Monitor Domains as they Drop – In Real Time
– Zone Files Access

The service appeals to a range of users including Domain Investors, SEO/SEM Marketers and Website/Business owners. Domain investors can use it to instantly find and acquire domain names with resale or monetization potential. SEO/SE marketers can find and acquire domain names with backlinks, pagereank and search engine value. Website/ Business owners can use it to easily locate domains with existing traffic in their vertical. works by collecting and normalizing various domain name stats such as “Search Popularity”, “Pagerank”, “Backlinks”, “Previous Owner”, etc. into a centralized database. This data is then presented in a clean format and is ultimately used to find domain names to acquire. With constant updates throughout the day and additions to the systems new feeds, guarantees to have the most comprehensive reports in the industry. offers three competitive plans starting at just 49.95/month ( was created by the team, the most trusted and experienced provider of data services for the domain name industry.

Founded in 2007, EstiBot is an automated domain valuation system that appraises over 1.8 million domain names per day. The purpose of Estibot is to provide the information and tools necessary to assess the value of domain names. Estibot valuates domains based on over thirty internal and external domain attributes. In additions to appraising domains, it is also capable of researching various analytics related to domains or keywords. One of the most powerful features of Estibot is the ability to generate end-user leads for any domain name. This patent pending technology was created to help domain investors find real businesses that may have a direct need for their domains.
For further information and interview requests, please contact/call Claudia Lezon – Public Relations – (847) 834 4661 –

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. This is awesome. I love the simplicity of estibot and from my past few minutes checking out Dropping it looks like I found a new resource.

    I am constantly picking domains for SEO value and this has some of the key points I look for all put together in a nice chart. Definitely a massive time saver!

  2. Seems like a great tool but they really need to run a one day free trial before they ask people for 150 bucks on the advanced service. Even if they let you sign up and play with it for 1 hour that would be sufficient in determining if its viable or not.

  3. Thank you for the feedback. As per request by the readers, I have added a 7 day free trial to all accounts. To prevent abuse (and people registering every 7 days with a new email) new users do have to put in their billing information. As far as pricing goes, while I would love to offer this service for $10/m, the domain industry is just too small with too few daily users to break even charging $10/m. Thank you again for the great feedback!

  4. Acro, you can reach me at Ron, they are two different services (with some overlap). EstiBot can process and get valuations and info for any domain name, while Dropping provides dropping/auctioning/dropped domain data. Yes, both sites will provide access to the other site if you subscribe to the highest level (however, not in trials).

  5. Estibot is a great service, but IMO priced way to high, same with Dropping.Com.

    I am not sure about the argument being the domain industry is too small…look to DNForum as an example of a membership site that has done very well with a low price to entry.

  6. Protrada has never been down on you in December, that is amazing every other day it had issues even a thread at dnforum had angry clients fuming… Yes I am a paying client of their services.

  7. Adinfinite, thank you. has 9 data points, we have 100. Getting data such as CPC, search volume, historical pagerank, wayback archive, real unique backlinks (with actual domain lists, pagerank breakdown, IPs to ensure it’s not linkfarm) and many more requires resources. The point is, with the new data you can discover domains the other services would miss.

  8. While Estibot is nice to bounce things off of, it’s not the end all be all that a lot of domain investors seem to think it is. In regards to this new website, I already use other tools that are either free or single purchase, i’m getting a little tired of SAAS on things like this.

  9. John,

    Free services that provide drop data have one major flaw.. Increased overall bid prices for all domainers. It’s because the services are available to everyone, everyone uses them, everyone identifies the same domains, and everyone bids on them expecting to be the only guy. But since everyone sees the same data, they identify the same domains.

    The services are free, but you’re paying at the auction house in the form of higher bids, which the marketplaces love.

    Good luck,


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