Daily Poll: Is .com Still King?

Marketplace.org published an interview with Jen Sale of Evergreen.com discussing domain names, domain name acquisitions, startup branding, and domain name investments. In the interview, Jen discussed what she does as a domain broker and also discussed what kinds of domain names she focuses on selling. One thing I appreciate is that she explained the difference between domain name squatting (cybersquatting) and domain investing, which I think gets a lot of people confused.

The article title is The dot-com URL is still king, and I thought I would ask in today’s poll what you think of that. Readers know what types of domain names I buy, and I am probably in a bit of an echo chamber when it comes to those investments. I am curious what you think.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I was wondering why you posting same content ? you should credit me or namepros namepros.com/threads/com-is-not-king-anymore.1063548/

  2. Home.loans sold for $500,000 and
    The.club sold for $300,000.
    But I don’t give a sh*t.

    I still am buying .com only.
    I’ve been domaining 15 years.

    .com was always profitable.
    And .com is always give me opportunities.

    .com is bitcoin
    And new gtlds are alt coins.

  3. Dudh!! dot com will always be KING…

    SIR Elliot- can you send in another poll on– Are you still buying bitcoin/crypto domains?

    Nice to find out what the interest now when the values are going deep S*&^hit

    • I don’t invest in cryptocurrency.
      I think those are big bullsh*t.
      Blockchain tech is good and useful but bitcoin is ponzi scheme.

    • @Jake

      Totally agree with you.

      The main problem with bitcoin is there is no transparency and I bet those $$$$ got stolen at coindesk must be an inside job.

  4. This is not the right question to ask.

    The right question is, “Although .com is king, which particular full domain names in ccTLD and new gTLD are so special and so unique that they are truly ‘one of a kind’ and worth a great fortune to the real world of end users for commerce and other purposes; and which particular TLDs also have good value for end users across a wide range of applications even though .com is king?”

    There are some great treasures among the answers to that compound question, and no threat whatsoever to the value or general but by no mean entire supremacy of .com even if some particular examples of those individual treasures are worth far more than many of the best .coms. Home.Loans is one of those examples for end users.

    Fire away…

  5. Let’s take the Proof of Value (POV) Test.

    Your daughter has just been kidnapped, and the criminals demand a 100 K ransom paid within 28 hours, or she will be killed.
    You have assets (home, car, a vacation home, etc – but no assets that can be liquidated within this time frame to retrieve fair market value)
    You call relatives — they’re having “financial problems”
    You call your friend Sam, and Sam says he doesn’t have much cash, but he does these 2 domains: Home.Loans and HomeLoans.com — he says you’re welcome to take ONLY one domain to sell to a prospective buyer (also let’s imagine the Home.Loans sale has never taken place)
    Which domain will you take in the hope of saving your daughter’s life?
    Proof of Value may be mean Proof of Life

    • Just read that. A fun piece of imagination, but a completely distorted, bogus and mistaken line of reasoning on the matter. At worst, you are not being honest with yourself (or more than just yourself with a blatantly useless illustration like that?). Obviously HomeLoans.com is not only worth vastly more than Home.Loans but is also far more immediately and rapidly liquid in terms of selling. A statement like that if you really believe it just doesn’t get a word a post like mine said either.

  6. Most ALL the SEM Platform Advocates have deliberately Maligned the ( .COM Equimoditty Platform Asset Class)for years. We have been saying ALL along,that Godaddy wrongly bases their ( .COM Equimoditty Platform Assets Valuations) on them being used in the tremendously Strategically flawed = ( S.E.M. Google/Godaddy Duopoly Platform) Those who fully understand this statement will flourish in the futures Online Business Expansion. JAS
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )http://www.UseBiz.com


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