Break Down of My Domain Names TLD

Compared to many full time domain investors, I have a pretty trim domain portfolio. I keep anywhere from 15-25 significantly valuable domain names in my portfolio (like,,,,…etc) and the rest are names that are probably less valuable – let’s say under $10,000 each. Some may be worth a lot of money to the right buyer, but most are mid-level investments.

I want to share my portfolio breakdown with you so you can get some idea of my domain investments. I own roughly 475 domain names (possibly a few additional that I didn’t count held in various smaller accounts).

Here is the TLD breakdown for my domain portfolio:

  • .com – 97.4%
  • .net – .6%
  • .org – 1.2%
  • .CO – .6%
  • .info – .2%

As you can see, most of my domain names are .com and I would say my most valuable domain names are .com assets. They are easier to sell and aren’t very expensive to renew. I don’t think this will change in the near term, although I am open to other extensions should the market change in the future.

If you are willing to share your breakdown, I think it would be interesting to see where others are investing.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I’m surprised that .co makes up as much a part of your portfolio as .net. But then again, I’ve been a supporter of .co from the very start and think that registry is doing very good things for this extension. Glad to see someone else has similar (albeit contextually, very little) faith in this extension.

    .com, of course, will remain the king.

  2. @ Robert

    I’ve been doing great without many.

    As someone who sells names all the time, I think .CO is much more illiquid than .com and I wouldn’t want to sit on a whole bunch of inventory.

  3. @Elliot

    I own almost an equal number of .com and .Co now

    and I have sold 16 .Co domains in the last year and half.

    In the same period I have sold ZILCH .com

    I used to have about 2,000 .com domains and so I dropped half to 1,000 because I did not sell any .com in the same period. I recall I had 3 or 4 offers in the $70 range, .com is pathetic.

  4. With over 100 million .COM registrations it is difficult to acquire solid keyword .COMs at an attractive pricepoint. I suppose that is what makes them valuable. I believe SEDO has maybe 18 million domains in their database. While many domains are listed in multiple marketplaces, it is likely some names listed at Afternic, Godaddy premium listings, Godaddy auctions are not listed at SEDO. But how many aftermarket sales are there in a year? What percentage of domainer inventory does that represent?

  5. 257 domain names.
    1dot org (covering the dotcom)
    i dot net (covering the dotcom)
    1 dot tv (covering the dotcom)
    1 dot xxx (’cause i like naked women)
    (i mean sure we all do… but i think for me
    it goes way much more beyond that)
    the rest are dotcoms.

  6. Robert Cline said,

    “well, why don’t I post a ramdom sampling of my shitty .com names and you can judge for yourself.”

    Might have opened up a can of worms there. j/k

  7. @ David

    Personally I thought .us would be better, other than straight generics mainly traded between domainers, and some developers, end users do not want to touch them, so they just keep getting recycled in an endless cycle of drops.

    No choice but to stick to what works.

  8. 91% .COM — I will continue to buy and focus in the future.
    1% .NET — I see no need for more.
    1% .ORG — I see no need for more.
    1% .CO — I will continue to buy.
    1% .BIZ — May let drop. Not sure.
    1% .EU – I see no need for more. May let drop.
    .05% .US — I see no need for more. May let drop.
    .25% .TV — I will probably let these drop.
    .25% .CC — I will probably let these drop.

    .XXX = I have zero. Don’t see any need for these. Never did.
    gtld’s = I predict that these will all die painful deaths. Not inclined to buy any, no matter what.

  9. I have 900 domains.


    17% (my country TLD)


    All my recent buys are .coms only. I decided to buy .coms only in future.

    About .co: You can take a domain to some level through marketing but usage is important.

    .co is the most overhyped extension in recent memory.

  10. Hi Elliot…so lets be conservative….I presume your portfolio @ cost is at least $500,000, then? Thanks for sharing…it’s always helpful to learn how much money people are willing to put on the table.

  11. “I presume your portfolio @ cost is at least $500,000, then? ”

    @ Poor Uncle

    I keep my financial information private. My best names were all acquired in the last 5 years though, so none of my best names were hand registered.

  12. @Elliot

    Oh man, good luck with keeping your privacy with a popular blog like yours. But I think I have a pretty good ball park the kind of money you are putting on the table. I am really liking your business model – low volume & high value. Easy to manage..and no employee. 🙂 Though, your portfolio seems a bit bloated than usual. I guess you are expecting high demand this year.

  13. Mostly .in and they are doing pretty Good. All bought in primary market (mostly in drops), 2 in secondary market.
    Less than 10 .com
    Less Than 3 .net
    Less Than 5 .org
    Around 350 .in
    Also around 20 Hindi IDN.

    .in is best known secret in domain world. I know people who make 30k USD to 60 k USD/per annum selling .in all hand registered. But there are a few high profile private sale noticed via whois change, they should be in 6 figure each, unnoticed in domain world.Like, and few more which I know.


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