Today is a big day for the ICM Registry and its .XXX extension. The 17 day landrush period for .XXX domain names begins today (November 8, 2011). Eligible people and companies can visit their favorite domain registrar and apply for their preferred .XXX domain name(s). Should more than one entity apply for the same name, an auction will occur at a later date.
Starting today, .XXX domain names can now be applied for by people and companies in the “adult sponsored community,” which includes people or companies who provide adult entertainment, representatives of those people or companies, or people and companies who provide products and services to adult entertainment providers. Adult domain investors are considered providers and can participate in the landrush.
Here’s more information from the Registry:
“The Landrush period will run for approximately 18 days starting on November 8, 2011. During this limited period, only those members of the adult Sponsored Community can apply for .XXX domain names. Apart from being a member of the adult Sponsored Community, there are no trademark or pre-ownership rights requirements during this phase of the launch.“
If you are thinking about applying for a .XXX domain name or more, check out DNW’s .XXX price list to see where you can get the best pricing. Personally, I think some registrars are going to make a mint from .XXX. It seems that the application fee in most cases is non-refundable. If 20 people apply for the same name, and the application fee is $100 on average, that’s $2,000 just in application fees… Not too shabby.
Once landrush has finished, the next opportunity to buy .XXX domain names is during the general availability phase, which begins December 6, 2011.
I believe ICM’s application fee is $60 per domain, so the profit on unsuccessful applicants is whatever their non-refundable portion is less $60.
The bizarre thing about the success of .xxx is that the porn industry is reeling right now. There’s a handful of large companies succeeding but at the expense of everyone else more or less. There are other areas of adult doing well still but that’s a significant portion of the adult industry and the portion of it that .xxx would suit best.
It’ll be interesting to see how everything pans out in the long term.
Exciting times for the .XXX