Back At It

I took a little over a week off and went on vacation. I had scheduled several posts for while I was gone, and you probably didn’t even miss me!

I have a number of comments in the moderation queue and a ton of them in the spam filter, so I’ll be going through those later tonight and tomorrow. If your comment isn’t approved by tomorrow, please let me know so I can look into it. Sometimes it’s more efficient to simply delete all spam comments and hope nothing important was lost, but I’ll do a cursory check in the meantime.

If you’ve emailed me in the last week and a half, I will do my best to get back to you within a couple of days. If you’re trying to sell me a domain name and I didn’t reply, it probably means I have no interest in the name and haven’t had the chance to reply. If you’re looking for a domain broker, I don’t broker names, so you can have a look at a list of domain brokers. If you’re looking for domain consulting, my apologies, but I don’t do that either.

This was the first vacation I’ve had where I did almost no work. I checked email just a bit and tried to disconnect as much as possible. It was nice at the time, but I’m now playing catch up. Thanks for understanding.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Thumps on for not checking @ ..
    I bet that’s what happens if you marry ..
    Talking with my experience 😉
    I hope you had great holiday 🙂

    • I’ve gone on many vacations without disconnecting. It helped that Panama didn’t have (good) Verizon service, so my iPhone didn’t get turned on, and I didn’t do much on my laptop in the evenings.


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