When you have a chance, I’d like you to take a look at a fantastic marketing campaign undertaken by a group called “A BUNCH OF CARROT FARMERS.” It’s easy to find the website, because they use the exact match domain name to promote the product: BabyCarrots.com.
BabyCarrots.com is an innovative website that promotes and celebrates baby carrots. There are games, videos, facts, and other fun aspects of the website. Seriously, if you like good marketing campaigns like I do, you will really come away impressed with this website.
Based on the Whois registration data, I believe it’s safe to assume the marketing campaign was created by advertising agency powerhouse Crispin Porter & Bogusky. It’s not a new website, but I just discovered it the other day and it’s very cool.
They actually acquired the domain last year for mid 4 figures specifically for this campaign so more to this story if you dig further.
Great name and a great site.
It’s an excellent site, that’s for sure.
Pretty symptomatic of the kind of stuff we can expect to see in the near future.
Not sure to what end though, lol.