Launched by Alan Dunn

Alan Dunn, who earlier this year launched his domain name advisory company  NameCorp, has announced the launch of a more personal project, According to the website, was created by Alan “to help share resources, inspirational stores and yes, even some personal moments.”

Although the website was launched recently, Alan has had an active Facebook community with nearly 100,000 people having liked the page since it was created in 2011. Many of the new Facebook likes came via the thousands of social shares that occurred shortly after the launch was announced.

In a blog post that was published when the website launched a couple of weeks ago, Alan shared a bit of personal insight about how he changed after his son was diagnosed:

I realized that moment I never saw my son, I saw his problems. From that moment forward my entire perspective of live changed. Not only is my son my best friend but he has taught me so much no one else ever could. This translates into life and choices I have made, especially over the last few years. This new perspective of opening my eyes more and realizing who is around, those who are truly around, helped me find a way to enjoy the best of life.

One of the things I have advised people who have sought my advice about development is to build something related to a topic of which you have expert knowledge about and are passionate about.  Alan’s son Alek has autism. Alan has been an active parent, learning about autism and how to best help his son. With, Alan is building a resource to help others who have children, family members, or friends that are learning about autism.

I am sure will become a valuable resource for people who want to learn more about autism and how to best help someone who was diagnosed as autistic.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Elliot,

    Thank you for the post. We own also and will end up also incorporating as part of the vision.

    • @christian, tx for sharing link to article in sjmercury re career opptys for those on the spectrum..have a friend whose son is on the light end of the spectrum, who is going into sr year in college, and i have been encouraging her to consider counseling her son to look into such oppty’s – but as a parent who is so sensitive and thoughtful about her son’s feelings she has not been overly responsive to my suggetion…despite worrying about his employment prospects upon graduation

      she didnt really believe me when i related to her about sv having such concentration of folks on the spectrum…hopefully this article will motivate her to consider my nudging more seriously


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