was sold in a private auction on NameJet today, and the sale price was $20,400. There were 282 bids from 247 bidders in the auction. The auction was one of the private auctions.
Interestingly, according to the September 28, 2009 – October 11, 2009 DNJournal sales report, had previously sold on NameJet for $6,899 in April of 2009. I looked back in my NameJet bidding history, and unfortunately, I do not have that auction listed. Based on the September 26, 2009 Whois record that lists an expiration date of August 2009, I believe the domain name was an expired domain auction at the time of the original NameJet sale.
So how did a domain name go from selling for $6,899 in 2009 to over $20,000 today? It is likely that the added publicity surrounding the domain name auction combined with the improved economy since that auction helped contribute to the higher sale price. As I recall, the Fall of 2009 was a fairly tumultuous time for the world economy, and domain sales were pretty subdued around that time.
Congratulations to the parties involved in this auction. It’s a good domain name, and I hope it ends up in good hands.
I like the name, but when I think of Animal Rescue I think of non-profits and volunteers. Not sure in the strategy of shelling out $20k when there’s no huge potential end users (unless my Google searches were off base) to resell to.
Perhaps it was an animal rescue organization that purchased it.
I am sure there was end user outreach done to help facilitate the sale.
Rick and Berkens talked about buying it and Rick messed up yesterday in the Domain Sherpa interview telling Berkens for each of them to put in 10 grand a piece and buy it for 20 grand. Berkens basically said “not the smartest thing to tell everyone how much you’re willing to spend” . If it was bought by them the original owners probably saw the video and rigged the bidding to get it up to 20 grand.
Knowing the owner of the domain name, I would bet that didn’t happen.
>> If it was bought by them the original owners probably saw the video and rigged the bidding to get it up to 20 grand.<<
LMAO if that's the case.
Nice sell,Congrats.
With Mike and Rick both being animal lovers, I sure hope they got it and develop it.
I hope it went to an actual animal rescue organization.
The winning bidder was user name “ryansaeucf” which is not Berkens user name. Not much history on this bidder so maybe it was an enduser. Namejet bidding history on this domain below
I did a bit of searching, and I believe it is an end user, perhaps in Canada.
I wonder what’s so special about some damains that people pay such a large amount for.