Media Options’ Andrew Rosener has become quite a successful domain name broker and investor, and his company frequently has great domain names under exclusive agreement. Rosener recently sold, and his company has been responsible for closing many large sales this year.
Andrew was recently interviewed by Seth Price of, and I thought you might get something from the half hour interview so I shared it with you below. The discussion focuses on “what makes domain names so valuable and how to choose the right one.”
Enjoy the interview, and feel free to post any questions you may have for Andrew on the original interview post or here if you wish.
Thanks for sharing Elliot.
I think this interview will be great exposure for the domain business, especially for those investors who have focused on real estate domains. is a rapidly growing startup in the Real Estate marketing arena and this will really help those real estate professionals learn about the importance and value of generic domain names for their business.
Guys like Rob Grant with incredible City/ domain names have been doing a good job over the years selling those names to top agents in their respective markets, but I’m sure it has been an uphill battle trying to educate those people about the value of such names.
I’m hoping some exposure like this helps bring us one step closer to a well educated end user.
Thanks Elliot
Rosener is a good guy.
Had some email correspondence with him just this week.
Sure he’ll continue to be a very successful and prominent figure in the industry.
It will definitely have the advantage to get the good and unique domain name. Rosener really done a very good work.
2.5 percent of 1 million is 25k It will take 6 month to justify 150k acquisition.
6 months if there is 1 deal for $1million a month, if there is 6 deals in 1 month for a $1million then it is one month.
Enjoyed the video. Thank you Elliot.
Great interview Andrew, thanks for sharing.
Just over 3 years ago, I purchased as an end-user. I paid $45,000 and we receive an average of $125,000 from Internet lead generation “IDX”.
We do not participate in paid search advertising (the highly competitive keyword: Denver Real Estate costs nearly $8/click), for us, everything is about organic search or direct type-in traffic as Andrew mentioned. For the keywords; Denver Real Estate, we rank page one, rank one for the top three search engines; Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Two weeks ago, I purchased to capture “Denver Lifestyle” content and further enhance to real estate vertical. I want to control keyword search in and around Denver. The National Association of Realtors “NAR” states that upwards of 94% of all buyers and sellers start their search online before contacting a Realtor.
Pretty cool to see that you here Peter, I read about the sale on, Congrats! Good to see sales, hope to be in the domaining news some time soon, about my great ideas I have for my domains. This is fascinating, I am going to buy property related domains in my surrounding neighborhood and build sites and see if I can help the Estate Agents here cause there is a lot of demand where I live.
@Peter –
Thanks for your support & input it is always appreciated. Congrats again on your purchase of – very smart buy. There is nobody better served to run and monetize that site than you and no better way to earn “good will” in your market for your brand!