Amazon Secures Three One Letter.CO Domain Names + Cloud.CO

This evening, I learned that Amazon secured A.CO K.CO and Z.CO from the .CO Registry. It’s very likely that Amazon will use A.CO for something related to the Amazon brand, K.CO for something related to the Kindle, and Z.CO for something related to Zappos. It also acquired Cloud.CO, which will likely be used for its hosting solution.

The terms of the deal were not disclosed to me, and I wouldn’t speculate on them either. Overstock paid over $300,000 for O.CO, while Twitter was awarded T.CO and Go Daddy was awarded X.CO (both of which are being used as url shorteners). It’s possible that the three one letter domain names will also be used as url shorteners, for the respective Amazon brands/products.

Regardless of any speculation, it’s very likely that these short domain names will actually be used, which is likely why Amazon was able to come to terms with the .CO Registry for these valuable domain names. From what I understand, the Registry is happy to work out deals for its most sought after domain names as long as they will be actually be used and be visible to a very large audience. This is important for the expansion of brand recognition and usage.

Congrats to the .CO Registry team for striking a deal, and I look forward to see what Amazon’s plans are for these names. If I was a betting person, I would anticipate they will be used and marketed in a visible manner.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. on day one, the heaven and earth were created.

    some divine mumbo jumbo

    This sort of news can only be compared to this sort of schema changing, reality shifting event that throws the top down, rethinking, reworking of what one thought.

  2. Interesting news for .CO, more than likely will be used for url shorteners.

    @ Robert

    I saw in the other thread that you returned $6,000 on your initial $23,000 investment.

    At that pace another three years and you will cover that initial $23,000….then again you will have another $70,000+ in renewal fees by then as well.

    Best of luck with your donation renewal drive.


  3. This should give the .CO industry a push however the names are used, but it makes you think that they’d get much more publicity if the names were used for site and company names, as opposed to for URL shorteners.

  4. @ Yitzchok

    I agree with you..While url shorteners are still good for awareness, I am sure the .CO Registry would like full blown sites on those domain names, which would drive even more awareness and likely spur additional interest.

  5. @Yitzchok @Elliot

    I agree and that’s why I don’t think all of the 1-letters will be used as link shorteners. I’m also very curious to know how Cloud.CO will be developed (well, at least in this case, we can be 100% sure it won’t be a url shortener πŸ™‚ )

  6. I have more than 500 .CO domain names and want to sell some domains. Who can guide me to sell them. all of them are valuable 1 and 2 character domain. I have listed all of them in sedo. But offers are too low.

    Waiting your answers.


  7. @ Bab

    If my math is correct, there are only 36 single character .CO (letters & numbers), and about 1000 2 character .CO

    Not to mention I am not aware of .CO even releasing two character .CO, so I highly doubt you own any, never mind 500 of these.


  8. Lets see what they use the names for before a celebration …. if they are just URL shorteners, like, or a “shortcut,” like, then the only people benefiting from this sale, again, is the REGISTRY.

    If they actually launch a real website (not a shortcut/shortener), which is very possible, then I’d say congratulations and throw you a party (if you have high quality generics).

  9. Ooops.. my mistake.

    i have one and 2 word domains not characters . sorry for that πŸ˜‰

    Anyways i will renew all of them 100% because i have a great sale idea for them just i don’t know it works or not.

  10. “Internet marketing guru, Nikolas Gough believes that dot CO will be incredibly popular in the future and that domain name investors should take stock in the ever increasing power of the extension.”

  11. It’s a good news for .CO

    As we know,the .CO’s market is grown and to be better

    Also we had sold some premium one word domain this week with good price.

  12. On the Internet, everybody can be an expert. Nobody knows you’re a dog.

    “Internet marketing expert Nikolas Gough says, β€œ.ME domains are perfect for branding your product.” If you own a vacuum cleaner company like, you could further promote your main website by giving customers an easier way to remember your site. is an excellent use of the dot ME domain to promote a product. There happens to be a lot of different products and companies that use some variation of vacmaster and could potentially lose some business by customers going to the wrong site. By adding a β€œ” to the equation, the Vacmaster brand of vacuum cleaners is now more personal to the customer.”

    Pure SEO genius.

  13. we have seen 5 LLL.COM sales in the $80,000 – $115,000 range in the last 10 days.

    with 1 and 2 character domains reserved by the registry for 500k-$1Million dollar range,

    the LLL.CO are the super premiums still available for the average person to gain one or two in their pockets.

  14. Amazon owns Cloud.CO

    I am glad I had hand reg. 3dCloud.CO recently when sold for $4.5m

    I will develop 3dCloud.CO and keep it as one of my favorite “collectable ” domain names.

    May be sell it with right price if there is an end user interested.

  15. @ Robert maybe first german domain being auction πŸ™‚ ( cruise in German ) reserved met $4770 at

  16. @Robert Cline
    Where did you come up with those figures?

    “general price guideline

    L.CO are worth $500,000

    LL.CO are worth $50,000

    LLL.CO are worth $5,000 – $20,000

    LLLL.CO are worth $500”

    I would like to see some hard numbers to support that.
    If your number held up, I may be close to being able to pay off my house! πŸ™‚

    Who is “Nikolas Gough”? Other then some recent posts using his name, I personally never heard of him. Maybe someone can shed some light on this guy for me.


  17. Hmmm…
    Well for now lets treat that as what it is “Just a Rumor”. I am sure in time the real price paid will come out.

    But… I would like to point out that the site the info came from is actually ranked 18,810 according to Alexa rating system (not bad if you consider that this blog is ranked 16,667 according to the same ranking system).

    Just thought I would point that out.


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