Aaron and Shane Are Doing It Right

I am sure you read the news about the merger of DomainShane.com and AccidentalDomainer.com. The two blogs are run by friends Shane Cultra and Aaron Wilkin, both of whom have “real” jobs. Aaron and Shane have both done a very good job of building their individual blog brands. Running a blog is challenging for a variety of reasons, and I think the merger will pay off for both of them.

Instead of starting a new blog from scratch, the pair will utilize DomainShane.com for the blog’s website. This is smart for three reasons:

  • From a traffic standpoint, DomainShane.com has a larger presence in Google. There are more inbound links and articles on DomainShane.com, and that will be a benefit in terms of traffic.
  • I believe Shane and his blog are probably known by more people in the domain space than Aaron and his blog, and that will also be beneficial in terms of traffic and awareness.
  • I think that advertising also has something to do with the url decision. It appears that DomainShane.com has more advertisers than AccidentalDomainer.com, and it could be a bit of a pain to make changes, especially for advertisers that have longer commitments.

Shane and Aaron cover different topics on their respective blogs. This won’t cause overlap when it comes to publishing articles. I know there are some people who get frustrated when they write an article and another blogger writes something similar just a few minutes later. I can only imagine what would happen if the coverage was on the same blog!

One recommendation I have to Shane and Aaron is to change the Domaining.com icon. Right now, the icon is a photo of Shane, and now that the blog has two writers, they will probably want to update that graphic.

Shane mentioned that there was further consolidation coming. Perhaps the blog space is a bit oversaturated, but I think the more information that is out there, the better it will be for all of us. I wish Shane and Aaron all the best with the merger and think it’s going to be good for both of them.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. It’s hard to find time to visit them all and I especially like the ones that post about their own personal view of things. Industry news is just that..news. I love to see varying POVs and you guys all do that. Kudos!

  2. It looks like the icon graphic is updated and it is done well for this blog. It is reminiscent of the global radiation symbol. This was well planned in order to warn the potential reader of the extreme bitterness and negativity they will be saturated with. I appreciate the warning…………….On a happy note, Happy Easter!

    • “I’m going to have to admit it. Many of the articles on the domaining feed are down right unreadable. We all pump. We get paid to pump. But due to the sheer number of new gTLDs coming out there is a much bigger need for pumping. The competitiveness had also turned things ugly as readers and customers are getting tired of the articles and even the registries and their approaches. It’s even worse in the domain conference world but that’s an article for another day. Here are today’s domains.”………………….This is Shane’s ‘Good’ Friday post and it glows with bitterness and negativity. The entire Domaining community suffers when words like this are written……Only by confronting the truth can we fix the problem…… Happy Easter!

    • I think Aaron is slowing confronting the truth of all his poor new gtld purchases and hates reading the blogs pointing out some of that reality.

  3. Thanks Elliot. Certainly a work in progress and we’ll continue to try and improve. You know better than anyone that there will always be criticism regardless of what you do.

    Aaron Strong. Ask anyone in the industry who has met me at a domain conference. I am one of the happiest people you’ll meet. I have nothing but positivity with and towards almost everyone I meet. I smile all the time. I like the people in this industry and who I am within, that I bring my family and even my own mother to conferences. It says a lot about a person if I have negativity towards someone. And I very much dislike you. You are such a piriah that Adam Strong has asked you to change your name to Billy or something different to avoid soiling his name. I try and forget that you are even involved in this industry and yet you pop up on our “opening day” to try and soil it in the comments.

    An open thank you to everyone in the industry that has wished us good luck and in the very least we’ve consolidated the feeds

    • I never had an opinion of Shane before but I did meet and spend a little time with him at Namescon and I’m happy say I can be counted among those who met him and felt nothing but good, positive energy.

    • Who is this Adam Strong guy you are talking about ? He sounds like a total prick, just like you .
      Erin is right, you are a sad sad man. I wish you the best though because I’m a very positive person.

  4. Both the individual blogs were nice and provided good content.
    Let’s hope the combined blog at DomainShane.com will become a go to resource for domain investors.

    Congrats to both Shane and Aaron.

  5. If you ever met me in person, you will fall in love with me.

    I am not bothered by anything and anybody….

    Please leave Shane and his new found partner alone.

  6. Personally for me, Shane Cultra has facilitated a merge with an overseas contact, if Shane was not a positive presence in the domain industry this would not have happened. I appreciate his knowledge and wit combined providing worthy domain posts, and look forward to the joint venture with Aaron Wilkin. Good luck guys!

  7. 2 Blogs I read everyday anyways so this consolidation just makes it simpler! Great stuff guys and same to you Elliot. The negative comments are just a waste of time, I haven’t met Shane in person but have talked a few times through email and he has always been a pleasure to deal with.


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