Tony Peppler 2013 Predictions

Although Tony Peppler has maintained a low profile, most people have at least heard of him and his “bonkers” user name at SnapNames back in 2007/2008. Tony has earned his living on his domain investments, and now retired enjoying raising 3 year old twins. He was nice enough to offer a number of predictions for this business in 2013.

1:  No new lead gen programs that will work no where near PPC does, , people that know how it really works (not, who only sells systems that might work) DO NOT SHARE how they truly work. (Neither would I, How do I really make $ giving away that info.)

2:  Domain Sales of DOT COM will continue to grow, though the $ amount per sale will drop, as domain investors want to make money vs holding domains. The new TLD’s will help .com sales as people will realize they are losing traffic to .com’s

3:  Places like and will prosper more and more, they have controlled quality vs tons of domains will stupid pricing attached. If gets a ton of over priced domains, they will not become a factor. Frank should limit the marketplace to two word domains, .com/.net/.org and single words in all other TLD’s.

4: will not grow this year, as people are becoming aware of tracking…,   I don’t think people will delete there profile as the message system there is nice for events like Chad and Bianka use it for promoting there Model Company. They do it nicely, plus who doesn’t like to hear about modeling jobs 🙂 Facebook will be for Business vs Personal friends sharing info.

5:  Domainers are not business maintainers (myself included) we are entrepreneurs, who build something then we should sell, though our ego’s usually don’t let us.

6:  (This prediction is meant to be positive, though many will take it as a put down, those people who take it negative are the ones who are not succeeding)

The domainers that brag constantly (must have good domains to back it up) for years and years, will continue to get deals as the old adage of telling people you are a expert long enough and a few people will actually believe you and invest in your ideas. Meaning that “The King of Domains” will score another type sale this year. I wish I had to guts to brag like Rick does.

Example from the past….

Minnesota Fats vs Willie Mosconi, Fats told everyone he was the best, though he never won a championship in Pool, Mosconi did, but, Fats made a much better living than Mosconi, so bragging about your self PAYS big time in most businesses. Domaining especially!! aka Minnesota Fats aka

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. You are a classy guy Elliot. I always read your blog but with this post you disappointed me and my buddies who read your blog and talk about it. You interview and ask opinions of an this individual whom has been sued countless amount of times for cyber squatting. wow this is why domaining is still dirty Now I m thinking what dirty deals really going on behind the scenes between you and anthony. I m certain you won’t publish this it’s fine as long as you read this.

  2. Come on, James, you are classier than that to make that kind of statement.

    Regardless of what he did not do or did, even insider traders, gold thieves, and guys that trick little old ladies out of their homes can be experts. You can learn from everyone.

    Also, just being sued means nothing. I can go sue a ham sandwich if I want to.


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