Sunday Updates

Hope you’re having a nice weekend. Here are some updates and notes that may be of interest to you.

  • There was a neat article about Go Daddy founder, Bob Parsons, on Investor’s Business Daily yesterday. Much of the article covered topics I already knew, but it’s an interesting look at Parsons and his company. Check it out if you get a chance.
  • I am in the process of migrating my blog to its own server sometime in the next few days. I put in the ticket request to have the migration done ASAP, but it may not happen for a couple of days. I don’t expect any downtime, but things happen so I wouldn’t be surprised if there is some downtime.
  • I sold and to an end user in south Florida last week. I still own and would like to sell it. If you have an interest in buying it, get in touch.
  • Despite the stock market’s roller coaster ride last week, Demand Media stock performed pretty well. The stock hit an all time low of $7.65 very recently, but it has since climbed to a Friday close of $9.15/share. I don’t own any DMD stock, but it’s been an interesting company to watch.
  • As the election season heats up, especially the presidential election, it seems that people try to cash in by speculating in domain names. In my opinion, this is a serious waste of money, as it’s unlikely any new registrations are going to be worth anything. Even if you do manage to buy a meaningful name, will you really want to be associated with it when news outlets pick up on it and call you a cybersquatter while commenters call you slime and scum? Not such a nice thing for people to find when they Google your name. Save your money and stay away from any potential legal troubles.
  • Later this week, my wife, two of our friends and I are throwing an ice cream sundae party for everyone at the Ronald McDonald House. I’m super excited to do this. If you have the time and/or funds to help an organization like RMH, please do so. It feels really good to help others.
  • Congratulations to Mike and Krissy St. John on the birth of their son, Silas. Both mom and baby are doing well.
Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Elliot,
    With reference to elections, I own and Any suggestions who could be the end users for these domains?

  2. @ Jack

    No idea… Those are the types of brandable names you could own for dozens of years and not receive a single visitor or offer. Alternatively, someone wealthy could want it some day and be willing to pay. Unfortunately the odds aren’t in favor of that unless you get lucky since there are so many alternatives IMO, you need to have thousands of those kinds of names to make good money and get very lucky. Its a main reason why I prefer keyword domain names.

  3. Elliot,

    Could you give us a general overview of how the real estate sales went down?

    Did you contact them?
    They contact you?
    If they contacted you, how?
    A lot of back and forth negotiations?
    How long did it take from first contact to offer acceptance?

    Nice sales btw

  4. @ AB

    I contacted the buyer after doing some Google searching, and I asked him to submit his best offer (on just one of the names). He made a reasonable offer (unlike a few other companies that offered in the hundreds). I passed and then let him know about the second name and gave him my price for both. It took a couple weeks in total to hammer out a deal that made both of us satisfied. He sent payment using and I should get the check today.

    Also, I had another company interested that would have bought the two names had the deal fallen through.


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