Sedo had been expected to begin a week long four letter .com auction today, which would conclude on November 7th. I was informed by a representative from Sedo that due to some website updates, the auction has been postponed one week.
Here’s what I was told about why the 4L .com auction was postponed for a week:
“Due to routine security updates, the Sedo marketplace over the last few days has only been partially accessible to some customers. Our team has been working hard towards a solution so that our services are fully available and functioning at their highest level again. In some cases, such as the verification of newly listed domains, there may be longer wait times and customers may experience delays.
In order to ensure that the 4-letter auction, which was scheduled to start today at 6pm CET, runs without any delays, we’re rescheduling this event for next week instead. Sedo’s focus is always on providing a successful auction for buyers and sellers. Therefore, we decided it’s best to postpone the auction until next week. The auction will now take place on November 7 and still run for one week ending on November 14.
We greatly appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please let me know.”
My 4L domains which I bought dirt cheap will sell for $$$$$$.
Elliot – Sometimes I dont get SEDO – I sent them for this auction and they turned it down becaause they said the “reserve was too high” at $490! Do they expect people to give names away for half of the estibot value? Thank you