Saxo Bank has changed its primary website domain name from to Home.Saxo. As you can see, the company is using its own branded .Saxo domain name. According to its website, “Saxo Bank A/S is a fully licensed and regulated Danish bank specialising in online trading and investment across global financial markets.”
News of the change was written about in an article on, and the company mentioned the article in a tweet earlier this morning:
It ´s here! We are pleased to announce the release of our new website –> @LeapRate article:
— Saxo Bank (@saxobank) October 19, 2016
The article did not have any quotes from executives at the company discussing why the change was made. The article stated that they will “have more on all the changes at Saxo Bank in the coming days.” I think it would be interesting to learn about why they chose to use a .Saxo domain name and what added utility it will offer clients and employees.
One thing I found interesting is the nomenclature of the website. To me, it sounds weird to instruct people to visit “Home dot Saxo” rather than Perhaps this will change in the future, but today, it sounds a bit strange. Of course, since they are forwarding their old url to the new one, they don’t really need to even make note of the change.
In my opinion, it might have made more sense for Saxo Bank to use Saxo.Bank instead. The .Bank extension is available for companies to use, although the advantage of .Saxo is that they manage the entire extension. It looks like Saxo Bank owns Saxo.Bank, but the domain name is not resolving for me.
As you may recall, Barclays Bank changed its url to Home.Barclays in June of 2015. I am sure others have followed suit, but I don’t believe it was the “tipping point” for the new extensions.
i too would think it would make more sense to use i guess they wan to use their own brand but whole question of what to put before the dot remains and home or whatever just seems lame.
Maybe they do not use .bank because Saxo Bank is not a bank in the traditional sense where you can borrow money, it is an investment platform.
Perhaps but the bank is called Saxo Bank, so Saxo.Bank would make sense for branding purposes.
They have had ambitions to become a traditional bank and tried to buy another Danish bank but failed and I do not think they have these ambitions any more and to call yourself a bank when you can`t borrow money or get a credit card is somewhat misleading
I know nothing about them, but they do call themselves a bank as “Saxo Bank.”
I know them because I am from Denmark and has an investment account with them (excellent platform) – You’re right in that they still call themselves a bank, but because of their strategy no longer is going to be a real bank, then their brandings strategy are changing to weight .Saxo more than Bank
Their marketing team have inadvertently changed their brand to homedotsaxo.
I do agree with the points made around naming and branding but that is, as we all know, just one side of this multi-dimensional coin we call the digital realm 🙂 One reason to use .saxo over .bank is brand authenticity. No one else on the planet other than Saxo can register a .saxo domain. In time this fact will be recognized by the market if they are discipline in their domain strategy. Saxo will also own data at the root level of the Internet (ex: NXD data) that is not possible with .bank because the fTLD registry owns this data. Companies like Verisign sell this data as a product. They also have more control over registering a large number of domains at scale with .saxo. These are just a few reasons in favor of using .saxo but the points around using are also very good.