Saturday Domain Updates

I love Labor Day weekend, but probably not for the same reason as most people. Most people probably enjoy the extra time off from work. I like it because it signifies the beginning of the end of the year. People seem to be more focused at the end of the year. It’s a good time to buy domain names from people who are looking to hit their yearly numbers.

Wishing you a nice long weekend. Be safe and have fun. Gear up for an exciting finish to 2013. I think it’s going to be superb.

Here are some updates, thoughts, and ideas.

  • Check out Perry’s article on SEO Sherpas covering 10 things he’s learn about domaining in the last 2 years. Perry shares some personal insight as well as details about building his domain business. There’s some great information shared, and it’s well worth a read.
  • I booked my flight and hotel for the TRAFFIC conference in October in Florida. It’s a nice chance to get away, and I always learn something that is helpful to my business. Every time I go, I hope that Francois Carrillo makes it so I can finally meet him, but he never shows up. C’est la vie.
  • I plan to give Flippa a try for one of my better domain names. I will probably wait until next week to list it since people will be fully back into the swing of things in a week. Thanks to Hybrid Domainer for his Flippa interview. If you have any Flippa tips, please share them.
  • The reason I wrote about Mike’s Flippa auction was because I think it is interesting in light of Mark Zuckerberg’s purchase of If a domain auction doesn’t interest me, I am not going to post about it (even if you offer to pay me) – sorry.
  • If you want to promote your personal auctions, here’s an idea. Start a blog with posts detailing various private domain auctions. You can post about why a name like is a one of a kind opportunity. On second thought, that’s a terrible idea.
  • I don’t buy domain names from people out of pity. Please don’t email me telling me how desperate you are to sell your domain names. If they aren’t good, I won’t buy them. I support a number of charitable organizations, and domain investors who make bad registrations don’t rate up there for me.
  • I don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking for votes for the TRAFFIC awards. Some people and companies may benefit financially from being able to say they are an award winner, and it’s also nice to get peer recognition. I wouldn’t ask people for votes because some of my friends would probably bust my chops mercilessly. True story: I went to a huge high school with something like 1,000 students in my class. When I was a junior, I ran for class officer and handed out candy on the day of the election. I gave some to a group of special needs students and brought them to the voting area and asked them to vote for me. I won the election. I was embarrassed to win by handing out candy, but it probably helped me get into college, so the embarrassment was worth it.
Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I probably should have elaborated on my vote thing. I completely understand why people ask for votes. It was just such a big change from the last few years. I usually had one or two and this year had 5 or 6. It probably should have focused on the positive. The importance and honor of winning a TRAFFIC award.

  2. There is absolutely nothing wrong asking for votes, the politicians do it all the time.

    I will vote someone who personally ask for my vote because it shows initiative, and he/she wants the job badly.

    This is called democracy at work.

  3. It is important to mention that pity sales have helped many end-users to become quite successful. Surely, the domain owner loses out making pity sales to end-users and domainers who want to take advantage.

    Not every name you buy is the best domain or is as good as you think. IMO, it is your personal interest or speculation for a particular industry that probably motivates your purchases.

    • You misinterpreted my point.

      What I mean is that I don’t want people to email me 10 shitty domain names that they registered asking me to buy them for $1,000 because they need to feed their 10 kids.

      Don’t try to guilt me into buying a domain name. I give money to great non profit organizations, not domain investors who made unwise choices.

      If someone disagrees with this, please leave your email address, and I will forward you the emails I receive almost daily that are like this.

    • I would actually like to read these pity e-mails. I see both good and bad domains listed on this blog often. It’s interesting to see what domains and stories arrive in your inbox. Send the emails to the email attached to this comment. Thanks.


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