A UDRP has been filed against the high value PCO.com domain name at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The UDRP filing is WIPO Case D2017-1778.
PCO.com has a creation date of January of 2000. Because it is a three letter .com domain name, this domain name was almost certainly initially registered prior to this. The Whois record for PCO.com is currently private, so I am unsure about who owns this domain name. From what I can see using the Whois History tool from DomainTools, the domain name has been privately registered for quite some time.
When I visited PCO.com today, the domain name did not resolve for me. Archive.org does not have any entries for this domain name since 2011. I looked through my email history, and I don’t see PCO.com listed for sale via any brokerage email. I also don’t see any public sales record for the PCO.com domain name on NameBio. DomainIQ values this domain name into the 6 figures.
The complainant in this UDRP proceeding is listed as PCO AG. A Google search for this company showed me that the complainant is likely the company that operates its business on the PCO.de ccTLD domain name. PCO.com is obviously a much more desirable domain name.
There have been quite a few three letter .com UDRP filings in the past year or so, and the complainants lost all but two of these UDRP proceedings: TNP.com, JDM.com, CQC.com, ATC.com, SOG.com, ICP.com, MEZ.com, Hug.com, GWG.com, and ALO.com. There were even some Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) rulings. The two LLL.com UDRP filings in the last year that went in favor of the complainants (that I can recall) were the LDW.com UDRP and the EDP.com UDRP. Both of those UDRP proceedings were allegedly stolen domain names, so the domain names were returned to the rightful owners.
A complainant in a UDRP proceeding will need to prove that the domain name was registered and is being used in bad faith. Since I don’t even see a resolving website, I am not sure how the complainant will prove either of these things in order to win the UDRP.
Update: The UDRP was denied, according to UDRPSearch.com. The decision was not yet published, so I do not have any details.