New Year’s Resolutions for My Business

It’s new year’s eve, and I thought it would be a good time to make some new years resolutions for my business for next year. I haven’t really set new year’s resolutions in the past, but I thought I would set  a few  for next year and see if I am able to stick to them.

You are welcome to share some of your new years resolutions if you would like. Here’s to a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!

New Year’s Resolutions for My Business for 2015:

  • Spend more time proactively looking for buyers of my domain names. This year, I was far more passive than prior years. I responded to offers and did a bit of end user outreach, but I need to spend more time doing outreach to find prospective buyers. I won’t do this for my highest value domain names, since sales from inbound inquiries generally receive the highest prices.
  • Hand register more domain names. I think it’s fun registering domain names, although it can be less profitable in the short term compared to higher value domain names. I want to spend some more time registering domain names, as I had some success selling a couple last year and received a couple of inquiries (not a huge number, but I don’t really do much hand registering right now).
  • Be better at doing things to help search engine rankings on my websites. I’ve almost exclusively focused on writing and sharing good content on my websites, and I haven’t always done anything else to get solid rankings on Google. Perhaps it’s time that I give more effort to this important issue.
  • Hire someone to cover some of the news on  Although I plan to continue to write the vast majority of articles on, it might be good to have someone else write some of the news articles to reduce some of my burden. With a baby due in March, time will certainly be  more difficult to come by. I will still write the opinion pieces, but some of the news articles are straightforward and wouldn’t require an expert in the domain space if I can’t find someone.
Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Thank you for your blog post, insights and thoughts in 2014. Congratulations on expecting a newborn and lastly, Happy New Year and may 2015 be a better year for everyone, esp those in the domain industry.

    Greetings from Singapore

  2. To be more charitable to people and organizations in need not only during holidays but year long.In my case donating excess and discontinued items to inner city schools..I happened to be in a local family owned bakery minutes before closing one day and watched as the owner donated boxes of unsold bread,sweet rolls,etc to as I later found out to a homeless shelter in Chicago.The owners only reward,helping others.

  3. Hi Elliot,

    Thank you for sharing not only this post but all the other insights you share throughout the year.

    Congratulations on the new baby and I hope you and everyone has a prosperous and healthy 2015.

    My new years resolutions is to stop being distracted by “bells, whistles and pretty objects”. But, mostly, to actually work on the my domain site (which I was doing until I decided to checkout your blog, lol), reaching out to prospects on a regular basis, and coming up with more content and social outreach.

    Have a great one, everyone!


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