My “Office” Set Up

I am always curious about how other domain investors have their offices/work stations set up. I figured I would share my set up with you and learn how you have yours set up for some ideas in the future.

For starters, I work from the comfort of my own home. I work weird hours, so it wouldn’t benefit me to have an office elsewhere, since I’d probably end up working from home, especially during the Summer and Winter seasons. It’s also a cost savings since an office in Manhattan isn’t cheap if I’d want to upgrade from what I have right now.

I am a Mac guy, and I use a Macbook Pro 15″ / 2.2Ghz with a solid state drive. I also have a wireless mouse and keyboard. I use the Free Agent GoFlex drive to back up my system, using the Time Machine option. I have a 23″ Samsung screen for when I am working from the desk. I keep my iPad handy for when I need to multi task and/or see how things look on a different browser.

Now that you know how I have my “office” set up, why not share how you have yours set up.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I personally like MAC products a WHOLE LOT, but for budgetary reasons, I use all PC stuff…. I have a quadcore HP PC, 2tb HD, all the bells and whistles I got refurbed for an awesome price. I have a dual monitor setup, 2 24″ HP HDMI screens- ebay all the way. This is mainly so I can click and drag and drop and not have to split screens, Windows 7 can be great, but a pain in the arse as well. I should get an External to back my info up on, but once I have more sites developed I will. I use the Logitech Wave pro kb/mouse settup for a bit of comfort and freedom, also got a steal price on ebay. Klipsch 5.1 Speaker system for music to keep me awake at 3am while working…. ummm…. and a nice, big computer chair from Staples.

  2. Have both office and home office.

    Home a total of 5 computers of home, 2 notebooks both dell 3 years old, 1 server, 2 desktops both with dual 2408WFP monitors.

    CRAP everywhere, piles of it. Both home and office.

    CRAP = Magazines, Books, paperwork, stuff I want to do someday pile, just not today or tomorrow 😉

    Office, 3 servers online, 10 offline (older need to fix, update OS etc) SAN 6TB, 3 notebooks, Dell Alien, MacBook Pro 13″, Dell. 2 Dell workstations, both with dual, 2408WFP monitors.

    Working on….actually not much just playing around…

  3. I agree. A picture would definitely be a plus.

    Also your home address with make/model of front door lock, wife’s maiden name, a pdf of your last four years tax returns and names of all dogs you’ve ever owned.

    Otherwise this article is just plain useless.

  4. I just finished reading the post and thought – it would be cool for everyone to share a picture of their office! Funny because I noticed I wasn’t the only one as I scrolled down 🙂

    Either way I think it’s a cool idea to share our office setups!

    I am a Mac guy like Elliot. My office is in our condo in Los Angeles in a loft that looks down on the living room. I have a 13″ Macbook Pro connected to a 23″ Samsung display on one desk. On the desk to my right I have a PC desktop connected to another display and then a Mac Mini connected to a 23″ HDTV. I sometimes use the HDTV as a TV as well so I can watch a basketball game, movie, etc upstairs when I’m working through Roku 🙂

    It is very helpful to have a mac and PC side-by-side so I can make sure that a new dev project works on all browsers. Since I outsource most of what we make I always like to have the final look-over and make sure everyone visiting the site gets the best experience.

    Oh, and the only other thing I use my PC for is to run the Google Adwords Keyword. I started using the tool so much a couple of years ago that I thought it just made sense to have it up and running at all times. I’m a data guy and the GAKT represents some of the most important data on the planet for me.

  5. Thanks Elliot, that helps.

    Btw, your social security number…you don’t have to post the entire number, just the first nine digits.


  6. A massively overworked but so far reliable netbook that probably wishes it was the next but one down in the pile at BestBuy when I bought it 3 years ago.

  7. Elliot,

    None of these guys will say so but the reason they want to see a photo is to try and find out if you work in your underwear.

    Keep them guessing.


  8. 3 22″ LG monitors on a home-built PC with BOSE speakers. Next to that a Dell mini tower with one 19″ monitor and one 21″ monitor that I hardly use. iPad and iPhone within reach. I work from home too.

  9. @ Tia

    It’s orange 🙂 I didn’t love it when I first saw it, but it’s grown on me. I guess having accent walls are popular. The orange wall next to the kitchen table is usually covered by the white sliding wall to the right of it. That sliding wall goes in front of the front entry way to reduce the noise from our apartment when we have people over. It’s a neat feature that came with the apartment.

  10. @Elliot

    “Well, if you don’t want to share your set up because I won’t take a picture, so be it.”

    Just posted my pic, waiting for yours 🙂

  11. Great looking condo, and right around the corner from The Dakota. Isn’t that where John Lennon lived/died and home to numerous other celebrities?

  12. Twin 23″ monitors with a super box with 16GB of memory, wireless printer, wireless mouse and keyboard and a kick ass logitech sound system.

    Simple phone with two chargers. Same as you, work from home.

  13. Big PC* – two 24″ monitors, iPad, iPhone , pretty old MacBook

    *Just replaced it after a nice sale

    Printer/Fax/IP Phone (We’re UK-based so IP calls to the US and Germany – our two other major markets make a big cost difference).

    And lots and lots of folders with receipts and tax info…..

  14. Hey Elliot, nice photo of your work station. Thanks for sharing.

    Hows the property market over there in NY. Going up or down?

    Wife and i are shopping for a house at the mo too.


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