Media Options, the domain name brokerage founded by Andrew Rosener, has added a new SEO-focused domain name newsletter. This newsletter is separate from the company’s high end domain name brokerage newsletter. In addition, unlike the free domain brokerage newsletter, the SEO Authority newsletter will have a cost of $24/month for people who sign up before October 29 and $49/month for people who sign up after the deadline.
Here’s some more information about the newsletter, which was shared in the inaugural edition:
Welcome to a NEW NEWSLETTER from Media Options! Instead of your regular newsletter, we’ve got something exciting each Tuesday: a newsletter full of SEO domains at auction!
This SEO Authority DomainDeals™ newsletter will come out every Tuesday. Sign up for the newsletter here. It’s free the next 3 Tuesday’s, then this newsletter will be paid going forward.
Signup now! No matter when you sign up, it’s free for the next 3 Tuesday’s.
Signup anytime before October 29 and you will be billed $24/mo starting Oct 29.
Signup on/after Oct 29 and you will be billed $49/mo.
All links are affiliate links.
There is a bit more information about the producer of the newsletter on the Media Options sign up page: “My name is Sean Markey, and I’m an SEO expert with a special focus on domains and building well-branded (and well-ranking) websites.”
There are pluses and minuses for a newsletter like this. On the plus side, it can help investors and website operators find domain names that have SEO value. On the downside, the added exposure can make these domain names sell for higher prices in auction. The monthly fee will probably help with limiting the number of people who see these domain names.
I received the second edition of the newsletter this morning, so it looks like there will be one more freebie before a paid subscription is required.
Whatever gets more exposure for the value of premium names i’m all for it. Historically the SEO/SEM audience has been hostile to domain invsting. Kudos on a good idea and good luck executing it.