May 2015 Great Domains Auction Results

The Great Domains auction for the month of May ended on Sedo today, and the results are published below. The largest sale of the month was the three letter domain name, which sold for $31,000 after some active bidding. The second highest sale of the month was, which sold for 4,102 EUR.

Quite a few three letter .net domain names sold at auction. The sale prices ranged from $460 – $1,211. It’s interesting to see the 3 letter .com domain name market jump while the .net market doesn’t seem to have much of an increase in interest (based on my limited observations).

This domain auction ended today, so these deals are most likely still pending. Once they are finalized, they will be reported in Sedo’s monthly sales report.

May 2015 Great Domains auction results:

  • $US 31000
  • EUR 4102
  • $US 1211
  • $US 860
  • $US 805
  • $US 710
  • $US 560
  • $US 560
  • $US 510
  • $US 460
  • $US 410
  • GBP 151
  • $US 119
  • $US 109
Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
  1. surprised.
    I saw a lot of nice LLL names for sale. They had 10 or so, didn’t they?
    Did none of those sell? I saw, what seemed to be, fair reserve prices on several.

  2. What could you expect when one person (Dave Evanson) is responsible for 90+% of the Sedo’s work and sales. Day has only 24 hours and one man cannot do more. Once Dave leaves the company (yes, it is about time), Sedo will become just a history.

    • I don’t agree with that, and I would be willing to bet a substantial amount that your “90+%” figure is not accurate.

      I have a great deal of respect for Dave and I know he does well, but I am quite sure your quoted number is far too high.

  3. Im not sure why SEDO called this “The Great Domain Auction” for a major auction house of domains it looks like a bustout. The real Great Domain Auction was when Rick Schwartz started selling.

  4. The 3Ls domains are all hypes, that why they are artificially overblown, price inflated.
    Once the news about 3Ls die down, prices will drop.

    Those dot net- worthless.

  5. This is a wholesale auction like most others, Resellers offering domains for sale to other Resellers, and when the sale figures are released, everyone scratches their head wondering why they sold for so little or didn’t sell at all.

    Attract end users and investors with deep pockets to these auctions and then we’ll have something to cheer about.

  6. I think the word ‘great’ should be removed from the month of May sale because the results I’, seeing are not great at all.

    • I think the word ‘great’ should be removed from the month of May’s sale because the results I’m seeing are not great at all.


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