Matt Cutts Announces SEO.Ninja

Matt Cutts has been the head of Google’s Webspam team for quite some time, and he is currently on leave from the company. Cutts is seemingly the goto guy when it comes to SEO questions pertaining to Google, and he is pretty much the face of the company for many webmasters and SEOs.

In a tweet this evening, Cutts announced that his next project is called AutoSEO, and it can be found at SEO.Ninja. .Ninja is a new domain name extension operated by Rightside.

Here’s what Cutts had to say in the blog post he linked to in the above tweet:

“I’ve been working really hard with some friends on a project to handle SEO automatically. Now we’re ready to take the wraps off it over at”

Cutts went into greater detail about AutoSEO in his blog post and on the SEO.Ninja website.

Judging by many of the replies to Cutts’ tweet, it seems like many people think this is an April Fools’ Day joke. I suppose we will have to wait and see, but I am sure Rightside will appreciate the additional publicity for the company’s .Ninja domain name extension regardless of whether or not this is a prank.

As of yesterday, reported just under 30,000 .Ninja registrations to date. We’ll see if this announcement provides a boost to .Ninja.

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Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
  1. Just a FYI that a SEO Ninja is an already established term in the SEO world for a master of SEO. Term has been around for several years.

    Not sure if there is going to be much of an effect on other .ninja domains considering this is an exact match term commonly used amongst professional seos

  2. Is this for real or an April Fools joke? I’m not buying it. “AutoSEO is automatic SEO.”. “neural networks highlight passages that will resonate on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and more.” Sounds fishy to me coming from the guy who has made his career in defeating word spinners and search engine spammers.


  3. If this isn’t a April fools joke, someone at Rightside paid Matt a nice sum to use it.. This what GTLD registries do, they market their extension as much as possible for the purpose of increasing registrations, mostly from gullible domainers, “If Matt Cutts at Google is using .ninja, IT MUST BE A WINNER, time to break out my credit card!


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