The site is currently going through a thorough search engine optimization analysis. I wanted to catch all the low hanging fruit before I officially launch the site, and everything hould still be on target for a launch in a couple of weeks. I blogged about the SEO analysis on the blog, although I didn’t really get into too many details on the topic. I am far from an expert, and it would only be humorous for me to write or preach like I was one.
I do think that search engine optimization is almost as important as the unique content I had written. I used the example of my website being like a home in the forest that needs a road and electricity. It could be the most beautiful home in the world, but if you can’t get to it, the home won’t be enjoyed by others. Search engines need a way to find (and other websites), and optimizing it for the search engines is the best way to get noticed.
If you have some time and interest in developing, feel free to check out the development blog for more details. I also added a few resources I used in addition to my friend.
you will be blown away by how much traffic shows up at your doorstep through search. And it is a gift that keeps on giving – you’ll be getting traffic for years based on articles that you write today.
Simply changing the title tag to be Post Title – Lowell MA will have a huge impact on your SEO efforts
If you want the most bang for the buck with title, meta, and other SEO tags … definitely check out this plug-in for WordPress: