I was curious about how domain companies rank for a variety of Google searches, and I thought I would post the results. Below is the top Google result for a variety of domain related keywords:
Domain Names: Godaddy
Domains: Godaddy
Domain Sales: DNJournal
Domain Broker: iGoldrush.com
Domain Auction (and Auctions): Sedo
Domain Conference: DomainFest
Domain Lawyer: DNForum
Domain News: DomainNews.com
Domain Blog: DomainBlog.net
Domain Investing: ElliotsBlog.com
Domain Investor: MorganLinton.com
Domaining: Domaining.com
Domainer: Wikipedia
Domain Consultant: DomainConsultant.com
Domain Consulting: DomainConsultant.com
Domain Registrar: Wikipedia
Whois: Whois.net
ccTLD Domain Names: Wikipedia
IDN Domain Names: Wikipedia
There is life below #1 🙂 but I would also suggest the following keyword phrases…
Premium Domains
Premium Domain Names
Generic Domains
Generic Domain Names
Buy Domain
Buy Domains
Comprar Dominios
Dominios Genericos
Dominios en Español
domain appraisal: Estibot.com
premium domains: PremiumDomains.com
cheap domains: NameCheap.com
bargain domains: BargainDomains.com
escrow / domain escrow: Escrow.com
register domain: Register.com
numeric domains: NumericDomains.com
domain parking: Wikipedia
It shouldn’t be to anyone’s surprise to see 5/19 of Elliots and 4/8 of Francois’s lists included exact match domains. Also 6/18 of Elliot’s were dominated by big brands (Goaddy & Wikipedia).
While an exact match domain doesn’t guarantee a #1 ranking, it can sure add a boost that requires non-EMD domains to work a little harder on their linkbuilding.
I’m not surprised by the top two but am surprised that if you search for “domain registrars” that wikipedia comes up, I would have thought that some of the major registrars like HG, Bluehost or GD would come up for this search term!.
No surprise to see GoDaddy in the top spot.