The Houston Association of Realtors has a great domain name for its business in The three letter .com domain name that has been owned for quite some time is short and easy to remember. The domain name is also versatile, as evidenced by a recent rebrand discussed in the Houston Business Journal this morning.
The website is currently undergoing a rebranding while retaining the still meaningful domain name. According to the Houston Business Journal article, “, the Houston Association of Realtors’ popular home listing website that formerly focused predominantly on the Houston area, will be rebranded to Homes and Realtors to reflect its new statewide housing database.” You can see how the website will be rebranded by visiting the beta version of the website.
Previously, was known to stand for Houston Association of Realtors, and will now stand for Homes and Realtors instead. Had the group used a longer or different domain name than, they would have likely had to change the domain name when the rebranding occurred. This would have been a major undertaking considering the potential pitfalls involved with changing a url. Instead, it’s essentially business as usual for the website, aside from the rebranding.
Three letter .com domain names have always been considered “liquid” investments for domain investors. Most three letter combinations have a variety of meanings, making them desirable to own by multiple parties. This is a big reason why three letter .com domain names seem to continue to increase in value year over year.
In the case of the Houston Association of Realtors rebranding its website, the three letter domain name proved to be versatile, and it likely saved the group time and money.