When one of my closest friends had his daughter a few years ago, I bought her name .com domain name so she can use it in the future. My friend’s sister created a video of her first few days, and I forwarded the domain name to the YouTube video page. I don’t know if she will ever want to use the domain name, but I am very happy to hang on to it for her.
Earlier this year, my friend and his wife had twins, and I purchased each of their domain names for them. They don’t have public YouTube video, so the domain names were just resolving on the default DNS I have set for the account, which happens to be DomainNameSales.com. Obviously, I didn’t add them to my DNS account, so they just resolve to the general DomainNameSales.com website (until a minute ago when I forwarded them to my friend’s LinkedIn page.
All three of my friend’s children have unique names, so these three domain names were hand registrations.
This afternoon, I received a phone call followed by an email from a broker at Domain Name Sales. No, they were not inquiring about one of the coveted domain names I seem to get inquiries about regularly. The broker was calling to ask if I would sell one of my friend’s domain names. I explained that I bought them on behalf of a friend and wasn’t interested in selling. Perhaps my friend would want to sell it, but that would leave one twin without a domain name.
Of all the domain names I own, this is probably one of the very few I would ever expect to receive an inquiry about!
What was the offer?? Sell it! ;D
BTW, it’s “leave” not “live”
Money is not everything!.. 🙂
When you love what your doing its not always about the money.
That is very true.
I was watching a boxing match and a particular up-and-comer was making a brilliant performance. Knowing what would happen next, I grabbed his name.com and promptly sent a letter to his agent letting him know I grabbed the name and I’d like to transfer it over free of charge, no catch.
No reply, then three weeks later I get an email from an attorney claiming to represent (Boxer) asking how much I wanted for the domain? I told him nothing, I grabbed it because it only cost me (coupon code), I really enjoyed his performance and if I didn’t get it, someone would have who would’ve demanded payment. I want to give it to him.
He replies with a THREATENING email demanding that if I don’t provide them with “the login informnation for (my) domain account”, I will be sued for blah blah.
I told him to go ahead, let me know what day the process server will be coming so I can be sure to be home.
He then replies puzzled, asking why I am now not interested in giving them the domain?
Some people are just f*cking stupid.
is there an option to turn sale inquires for certain domains off?
Yes, I believe there is, but this inquiry did not come through my account because the domain name was never added to my account. Since it resolved on the DNS nameservers as a default, the domain resolved to the DNS homepage.
This was funny. May be the name is popular or something