The New York Times has a neat article today about how Mike Iskandar traveled to Korea from his home in Ohio in order to acquire a domain name that was the perfect fit for his website, Iskandar’s journey wasn’t as easy as flying to Korea to buy the name though, and it was a ballsy move.
I think this was a smart tactic, albeit risky for a number of reasons. It goes to show that if you really want or need a domain name (or really anything else important to you or your business), there’s nothing like a personal conversation.
that is awesome.
That’s brilliant, great spotlight on the industry!
Did he really just ‘give him’ the domain name, or did he buy it? Can’t believe someone would just give away a domain like that for nothing.
What a cool story. Thanks for sharing, Elliot. I’m looking forward to the launch of
Look past his crazy, amazing trip to how much exposure his site will get from this story.
Wink…Wink….This is creative marketing (whether the story is even 100% true) and it is definitely more powerful than conventional advertising.
Great story.
Bold move.
Crappy domain.
I’m booking now for the Caymans… 😉