ESPN Launches

ESPN Boston

As I reported a little over two weeks ago, ESPN has jumped into hyper local sports news, with its ESPN Boston offering. From a domain investor’s point of view, I think ESPN was smart to buy and market, even though it’s forwarded to Obviously the marketed domain name is much easier to remember than the longer URL.

From a Boston sports fan’s point of view (Sox, Pats, Celts mostly), I love the idea. ESPN has established itself as the leading sports news brand, and it will be great to get a different perspective on the local market. I read the Boston Globe daily (it’s my home page), and I will add to my list of daily reads.

Hopefully Boston Sports Guy Bill Simmons will have some exclusive guest appearances on the new site. He was originally smart for owning but ESPN didn’t purchase when he went more mainstream, which would have been a smart move.

Never the less, I think this is going to be a winning endeavor for ESPN.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. bar none.

    Most generic geo domain which is your specialty and you could have cruises, hotel booking, property listings jobs etc.

    nuff said

  2. > ESPNBoston….isn’t that redundant?

    > All these years when I hear “ESPN2″ I just figured they > meant the Red Sox and Yankees.

    Ha. I was thinking the same thing!

  3. ESPN also has, though I haven’t been there myself they have been promoting it heavily here.

    At the Patriots game the other night, spots were run during timeouts with Chris Berman promoting, saying it was for the big-4 teams, which was interesting they did not include the Revolution of the MLS as the ad was being run in its stadium. This ran several times.

    There’s a lot of competition for Web content for Boston sports teams, from the Globe and Herald to the team’s own sites and fan sites, so if people see as an “easy” way to get to all they want, it should work.


  4. Just another example of the east coast (specifically Boston) biased that is so often denied by ESPN. How can they possibly deny their Boston favoritism with this one, sure its a good business decision/risk, but it is a clear nod to their largest customer base which the perpetuate.

  5. I’m on the west coast and I am seeing many commercials for the new Boston site, but have yet to see any for the Chicago version. I’m sure we will soon see a version for each major city, I just love to take notice of the geographic alignment. Sorry to hop on your blog with some personal agenda stuff hahah. Thanks for the forum.


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