With the final days of 2007 upon us, now might be a good time to review your portfolios to ensure your domain names have ample time before expiring. Many of us ignore the renewal emails that start filling our inbox with 90 days to go, figuring we will renew them with a few days to spare. Instead of doing that, I am going to log in and make sure that all of my premium domain names have at least a year before expiring so I don’t run in to trouble.
One reason expired domain name auction services are in business is due to the fact that some people don’t renew their domain names. I presume many cases are accidental non-renewals, which can be due to a multitude of reasons. Perhaps you changed your email address over the past year. Maybe your spam filter is preventing the renewal emails from reaching your inbox. Whatever the case may be, you should manually check the expiration of your domain names now to avoid any surprises.
Heck, maybe you can even count the renewals as a business expense against your 2007 profits (consult with a tax expert or purchase the Domain Tax Guide to see).
Oh God… I got two domains that expire 2nd week of Jan and I still haven’t renewed them. No idea why too… hrmmm… your post just inspired me to renew them.
I keep an excel spreadsheet with all my domain info, including expiration dates and check it once a week and make renewals then when I need to