I keep a whole bunch of Internet browsers opened at all times. This afternoon, I noticed a (1) in the title section on the Domaining.com tab in my browser. I went over to check out what it meant, and I saw a message that said “1 new headline – Click here to watch it!.”
Looks like a neat new feature on Domaining.com that allows you to keep it on your browser without having to refresh the screen. When a new post gets added to the feed, you just have to click the notification button and the next post gets pushed on to your screen.
It’s sort of like how Twitter updates your live feed, although Facebook pushes the updates without having to refresh. Cool feature – and useful to know when new articles are live on Domaining.com.
I would recommend that Francois change the message to “1 new headline – Click here to view it!”
Thanks for the text improvement suggestion.
In fact last week there were 3 developments done on domaining.com:
– Now new headlines are gathered from blog RSS within an average time under 5 minutes, it was 30 minutes previoulsy.
– Yes, some ajax has been inserted in this page, so now when new headlines are available you do not have to be compulsively refreshing the site dozen times a day to be aware.
– The unsubscribe link of the domaining.com newsletter is no longer a web page where the susbcriber needs to log in to be removed or edit his preferences.
The next improvement should be the “Closing Auctions” pane automatically updated without have to refresh the page.