Domain Industry Featured on BBC The One Show

A television talk show hosted on the BBC called The One Show just had a segment about domain investing and domain name investors. The program is hosted year-round on weekdays, and it covers a wide variety of topics. Former American talk show host Jerry Springer was one of the hosts on the show.

Several domain investors and brokers were featured on this episode of The One Show, including Graham Haynes (buyer of for $650,000), Aron Meystedt (Heritage Auctions and owner of, Simon Witts, Mohammed Kahn (from Uniregistry) and Jeff Gabriel (from Uniregistry – incorrectly identified as Alan Schwartz). The show offers a brief overview about the business of domain name investing and domain name sales.

Someone posted the video on YouTube, which I embedded below.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. They make it sound like we are drug dealers. They are called a “Domain Dealer” LOL

    Funny, is owned by Huge Domains.

  2. Thanks Elliot!

    About time people knew what domaining is about, it’s hardly been publicized. Shows that domains have a lot more potential that what they are at currently. (If you’re talking about the Reseller market.)

    Also if someone tries to argue about the competition in the reseller market, then the simple answer to that is look at the stock market, it’s almost mostly reseller to reseller.

  3. Great that one show did talk about domains. all those people will be asking questions, Domains, Domains, Domains, how does it work. Its about time main stream media did talks on domains. Love it.

  4. Haven’t watched it yet. Did this turn into yet another opportunity to brainwash the world into thinking only short domains have value?

  5. Ah yes, I was enjoying it early, but so far it quickly has not failed to disappoint. The first thing out of the first interviewee’s mouth, “…if you’ve got a very short domain name…” 1:08.


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