Thankfully, because of the precipitous valuation decline for most .mobi domain names, I don’t own a single one of them in my portfolio.
It’s surprising to me to see a .mobi advertised, and I was particularly surprised that high end champaign house Dom Perignon chose to use a .mobi domain name in its champagne display. As you can see, Dom Perignon is directing people to, and the company isn’t even forwarding the url to a mobile browser-enabled website.
I think this was the initial thought about the usefulness domain names when they were first released. Unfortunately, that potential does not appear to have been realized as many websites can detect mobile browsers, eliminating the need to use a .mobi domain name to provide visitors with a mobile-specific website.
The champagne house does not own, which appears to be owned by someone in China. Perhaps they didn’t think it was worth spending the fee to try and get the domain name via UDRP? I suppose the barcode eliminates much of the typing and reduces the chance for error.
.mobi is not dead, its far from it.
I expect a resurgence of .mobi sales.
Like with everything you need to understand who uses it and why you’d want to invest into it.
we only have 1 .mobi.. couldnt find more to buy. THose that are sitting on them are not selling cheap.
The owner is rich. So why not bet on
Having a foot on a successful .com and another foot on
a .mobi which might do great treatment in mobile
search, is not a bad idea.
A hyphen AND .mobi. My jaw just dropped.
Elliot, I had one .mobi domain that I recently dropped.
I personally don’t see any potential in the extension. If some people are making money with it – credit to them, but I doubt there are many.
I mainly buy for development and I don’t ever see myself building out a .mobi domain.
Who cares: .WINE domains are coming 😉
Hi ya! Notice there is a QR code on the ad! If you need a qr code reader, you could visit my site and download it – just launched it this weekend!
Louise 🙂
One point re: “and the company isn’t even forwarding the url to a mobile browser-enabled website.”
The site is using device detection — like dotMobi provides via its DeviceAtlas product — and is delivering the content in accordance with the phone’s specs (or not, if the site is being seen on a standard PC.)
That said, the site is designed to work best on smartphones (which, given the intended upscale audience, makes sense.)
Wow dot mobi with a hyphen!
“.mobi is not dead, its far from it.”
But we are still trying to sell STAR.MOBI and GLOBAL.MOBI
I hope .Mobi will be popular after a few years with new mobile phones features!?…
Interesting but is being used by microsoft for Qrcodes all over the place. It has it’s place and can be used in certain areas I guess.