DDD.com Sold by NameFind

The  DDD.com domain name has been sold by NameFind, a subsidiary of GoDaddy. The domain name  was recently acquired by the company in a large portfolio deal, according to Paul Nicks, Vice President of the Aftermarket at GoDaddy. Unfortunately, Paul could not comment on the sale price or any other details per company policy.

According to a Whois update from DomainTools this morning, the domain name recently transferred to a Chinese entity. Jamie Zoch also reported this via Twitter:

Not much of anything is known about this sale. NameFind and GoDaddy do not typically report their sales, and I suspect that this will be the case for this sale as well. In his tweet, Jamie reported that NameFind had a $500,000 minimum offer requirement for this domain name, but I have no idea what the asking price was nor would I venture a guess about the sale price.

From what I could find, there have been five  publicly reported repeating three letter .com domain name sales:

  • GGG.com – $85,000 via Sedo in 2011 (from NameBio)
  • JJJ.com – $48,500 via Sedo in 2009 (from NameBio)
  • PPP.com – $290,000 via Guta.com in 2015 (from NameBio)
  • VVV.com – $136,400 via NameJet in 2015 (via DomainInvesting.com)
  • YYY.com – $45,444 via Sedo in 2010 (via NameBio)

As you can see, two of these  domain names  sold for six  figure price tags in 2015. I would not be surprised if there have been other 6 or even 7 figure sales of repeating 3 letter .com domain names.

GoDaddy acquired quite a few stellar domain names of late, and I would not be surprised to see other major sales such as this one in the near future.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


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