You are likely aware by now, but the price of .com domain names is increasing again on Sunday, September 1, 2024. Verisign is raising the wholesale cost by 7%, as permitted in its registry agreement. Retail domain registrars will likely pass along the price increase to customers, but it could be more than 7%.
If you want to take advantage of current pricing, you should renew the .com domain names before the price increase. You may also consider transferring domain names for the same savings. Domain registrars sometimes bill customers for transfers upon completion, so it may be too late depending on where the domain names are registered.
This past week, I transferred more than 50 .com domain names to GoDaddy that I held at various registrars following expiry auction wins. My preference is to keep nearly all of my domain names in one account to ensure they don’t get “lost.” The Verisign price increase is an impetus for bringing more of my domain names into a single account at one registrar.
Thanks to Brian Wick for the article suggestion. decided to do the cut off at noon today aug 30 2024. instead of sep 1 2024
mighty nice of them to raise thier rates two days early and pocket the difference ?
Maybe they aren’t working over the Labor Day weekend, so they’re increasing the price before?
yes – probably closed over weekend.
at least I got 35% renewed before they hiked the rates early.
on a matter of principle it forces me to drop a few more domains that should not be renewed anyway.
furthermore, namebright offers renewals at thier cost and makes no money on that part of the business. so let them make 500-1000.
all good. they are a great business.
I guess we going to see a big decline in domain registration and domain renewals in the coming years