People from around the world read my blog, and I am sure that everyone has special Christmas traditions they share with their families and friends. I read about Morgan’s special Christmas celebration, and it sounds like he and Daina had a great day. I am curious how you spent Christmas and what your special Christmas traditions are.
Yesterday, I spent the day with my wife and daughter, and we made a big breakfast, watched a couple of kid-friendly movies, and capped the day with a big sushi dinner. Christmas is one of the few days it seems like nobody does any work, and I didn’t really do any work either.
Since today tends to be a slow day, I invite you to share some of your Christmas traditions. I hope you had a special Christmas!
Walking Louisburg Sq. in Boston on Christmas Eve-it’s like going back in time.
A beach front cabin, dropped a couple of crab pots, gather clams, oysters, mussels and have a big seafood feast.
A big bone fire with sweet potato.
Watch shooting stars at nite and sometimes, see the pod of orcas killer whales.
All for less than $50!
Oh I forgot , a big hunk of fresh caught salmon!!
I typically go far, far away. As I write this I’m in Myanmar and have been traveling through the country for a week. Tomorrow we leave for Thailand. The trip will end in Vegas at NamesCon 🙂
Every year we have between 70 and 80 friends and family at our Christmas Eve party, where many of our guests leave in the morning, yesterday they didn’t leave until 4am, and even though I was exhausted from the work of putting it together and playing hostess, I managed to wait until they all left, needless to say the only tradition we have on Christmas day is recuperating from the day before.
Sounds like a great time.
Hi all,
for our family is a normal day like any other. We try to make all the days be Christmas. We are very often in family, we do things together, see movies, go to a walk, etc… we don´t do it only once a year on christmas 🙂
Here is the reason:
Very nice!
A tradition in my family is for my sister who volunteers at a church food pantry sunday mornings to invite a person in need to both our Thanksgiving and Christmas-Hanukah dinners.Giving is far more rewarding than receiving.
That’s a great tradition!