Just about every day, I hand send emails inquiring about good domain names. I say “hand send” because I individually address domain name owners and generally make an opening offer that I feel is reasonable and/or not insulting.
I think sending individual emails with a reasonable offer is a key factor in getting a response from a domain owner, especially when my emails are competing with people who automate this process and send out thousands of emails (ie dear sir, would xxx.com be available for sale for $5,000?) I am sure some people have felt an offer I made was a lowball offer, but I do my best to make a reasonable offer.
That said, sometimes it is more efficient to post an “offers wanted” type of article where I specify a specific type of domain name I would be interested in buying. In lieu of last week’s brokerage listing, I am posting an offers wanted post today. Please follow the instructions below.
I am looking to buy domain names that meet ALL of the following requirements:
- .COM only
- English Word found in the dictionary
- 10+ years old
- .net, .org, .info, .biz, .us, .ca, .tv ALL registered by others
- Price is $20,000 or less
- Not listed for sale with a broker in last 60 days
- If listed with a broker/marketplace in last year, price needs to be 50% of its previous ask
- Examples of names I like: Lilac.com, Spicy.com, Customize.com, Automate.com…etc.
If you have a domain name that meets ALL requirements, contact me and let me know the name and the price. If the price is fair and the name is great, I will do my due diligence and we can close using Escrow.com.
If your domain name doesn’t meet ALL of the requirements, please save us both time and not submit it. I won’t be interested, and I likely won’t reply since you didn’t follow directions. If you have something that meets the requirements, I invite you to send. Yes, I would pay more for certain names, but regardless how high I set the maximum price, that is how some people will price their names (ie I would probably get the same names at a higher price if my max price is $50,000, so I need to cap it somewhere). Also, keep in mind I am not a domain broker looking to sell names for someone else.
There are plenty of people that would pay more for names like this, and I am sure I would, too, depending on the quality. I guess this is an advantage of having a blog.
Comments are closed because I think this is a very clear request that isn’t confusing.
Thanks for reading, and hopefully we will be able to do some business.