At What Price Will Movies.XXX Sell?

Just learned that Movies.XXX will be one of the premium .XXX domain names up for auction at the TRAFFIC show. We’ve heard that Frank Schilling and Mike Berkens have both invested in .XXX domain names in private, so we don’t really have an idea of their values.

What do you think Movies.XXX will sell for at auction? Keep in mind, there will be no online bidding, so bidders will have to place their bids in person or over the phone. I am not sure if there is a reserve price on the auction.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. expect shill bidding at this auction.
    ricks auctions are famous for shill bids.

    I also expect berkins and frank to put in a bid to pump up the values of .xxx in the sane manner Rick tried for .mobi

  2. Why is Rick bidding at his own auctions at all? Isn’t that an inherent conflict of interest?

    Is he trying to run a fair auction or is he trying to get a low price for himself?

    These are very fair questions.

  3. @ Hal

    Devils’ advocate for a second…

    If you had a domain name for sale listed at the TRAFFIC auction and Rick and another buyer were both interested in your particular domain name, would you have issues with Rick bidding or would you want it to go for the highest price to the most willing bidder?

  4. @ jp

    Assuming Mike paid 6 figures for the 3 names I mentioned yesterday, I would assume this is a mid 5 figure name or more. I could see someone spending 6 figures for it if they see adult moving to .XXX in a big way. It would be a gamble, but I really don’t know the adult market very well, so it’s more of a guess than anything.

  5. @ Poor uncle

    I agree… I can’t even imagine Rick would ever risk his reputation by doing something illicit. The guy is under a microscope in this business.

    Shill bidding accusations make for an interesting topic for some people I suppose, but I think it’s BS that some people make these accusations anonymously without evidence. As far as I am aware, Rick plays by the rules and if you don’t like it, you don’t have to bid or submit your domain names for sale.

  6. @Elliot

    Rick talks a good game –but I pay alot more attention to people’s actions.

    Bidding at your own auction is a conflict of interest. It says that the bidder cares more about himself than the integrity of the auction. That is just my opinion.

  7. @ Hal Meyer

    It’s one thing to say you don’t think Rick should bid on his own auctions but to go as far as saying this indicates he cares more about the integrity of the auction really is a baseless and offensive charge to make.

    I have no problem with Rick bidding on domains at TRAFFIC, in fact, I would be flattered and thrilled if he ever bid on one of my domains.

    Rick is doing more to develop and grow the domain industry than all of the haters combined. Show us another way or please shut up! That is just my opinion 🙂


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