Apple Registers 5 .Apple Domain Names

Apple is the operator of the .Apple extension, but to this day, the company has not registered nor done much with .Apple domain names. According to Dofo, there are just 16 .Apple domain names registered, with the 3 most recent registrations being ApplePay.Apple, Wallet.Apple, and AppleCash.Apple. It doesn’t look like any of those domain names resolve, and Wallet.Apple is the only one that really makes sense to me as a marketable domain name.

According to my morning Registrant Monitor alert from DomainTools, it looks like Apple registered 5 new .Apple domain names within the last week. The domain names that Apple created / registered are:

  • Account.Apple
  • AppleArcade.Apple
  • AppleTVApp.Apple
  • AppStore.Apple
  • iCloud.Apple

In total, there are now 21 .Apple domain names registered, according to None of these domain names appear to resolve to an active website at the time of publication.

I don’t really see the utility in registering .Apple domain names with “Apple” in the domain name and extension. I could see the marketing reasons for using something like Wallet.Apple or iCloud.Apple (if they also have the matching .com domain names to avoid confusion that could lead to phishing), but it seems redundant to have Apple appear twice. It is a bit peculiar to me that Apple registered AppleArcade.Apple and not Arcade.Apple, for example. I presume there is some sort of strategy behind the registrations, but I don’t understand it yet.

I will keep my eye on these domain names to see if Apple decides to use them.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. > but it seems redundant to have Apple appear twice

    Not unusual. Go to and you’re on, I believe I’ve seen more instances like that within Apple webspace.

  2. I really doubt there is any strategy behind the registrations, they probably own 50,000 other registrations that they never use aswell.

    .brand is a complete failure.

  3. Tim Cook is an Apple “True Believer”. Someone asked him why Apple didn’t call its smartwatch the “iWatch”. He responded that Apple was the best brand in the world, and there was no reason NOT to brand all of its future products with Apple. I’ve noticed Google has followed a similar patttern.
    per .apple : that’s not going to turn the dial on .brand. Too many corp giants have dropped the extension and stopped using their .brand(s). Apple can use it, as it has a walled garden and the Apple ecosystem…


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