I received an email this morning announcing that Aftermarket.com is now offering private domain brokerage services. The company has domain brokers that will work on behalf of buyers to sell domain names. I am not sure of the terms the company offers for exclusivity or successful sales, but you may contact brokers@Aftermarket.com for more information.
In the email announcement, the company listed some of the domain names that are now under exclusive contract, including the following:
- BankruptcyLaw.com
- CopyrightLaw.com
- PatentsLaw.com
- TrademarkLaw.com
- RentCars.com
- SexualDiscriminationLawyer.com
- UrgentCare.com
- Proposition.com
- WorldTradeCenter.com
- Accomplish.com
If you aren’t already aware, Aftermarket.com is owned and operated by Thought Convergence.