People always ask me how I find time to write articles on my blog as well as articles on my various websites to keep them up to date and driving traffic. For my blog, it’s pretty easy. When I was in an office with co-workers, if I saw or did something interesting, I would jump over to their office to discuss. Since I don’t have co-workers any longer, I use my blog as an outlet. Writing content for my blog is pretty easy.
However, writing good content for my other websites is not as easy. Although I enjoy some things related to the topics at hand, I am not familiar enough about all of them to write good content. On my geodomain names, I frequently publish press releases or articles that were submitted by readers. This is easy enough, but it doesn’t happen enough to keep the website updated with a variety of interesting information.
One thing I’ve been doing successfully on would be easy enough for others to do and I want to share this (not unique, but good) idea. When people sign up for listings, I thank them and offer them the opportunity to do an interview or submit an article on any dog-related topic. This has been a big hit and is greatly appreciated. The articles are posted on the Blog.
Surprisingly, many people have articles they’ve written but haven’t published online yet, and they are very happy to share them. I have articles on a range of topics either published or scheduled to be published in the coming weeks. There are exercise articles, tips for training dogs, an article about how to help dogs who are afraid of fireworks…etc.
I have been posing the articles and linking to them on Digg and Facebook, which helps drive more traffic and awareness. In addition, a couple of submitters have posted links to the articles on their websites. It’s really a win win for all parties. Since I am using WordPress for my platform, publishing the articles takes under 5 minutes each, and the benefits are considerable.
If you operate a website where you have advertisers – especially small businesses, you should consider offering to feature your advertisers in a guest article or interview. It adds good content (for free) and can help build your relationship with the advertiser while bringing more traffic to your site.
Great posting Elliot.
This suggestion is a grand slam.
Thanks much.
Great suggestion, Elliot! It could be added that this works especially well with category-defining domain names like — what dog walker wouldn’t be proud to say they’d been featured on The brand association is so powerful it trumps the usual benefits like traffic, link juice, etc.
Agreed. In fact, we have been doing interview with local professionals for the past 7 years and will expand the program on several new local professional magazines. Great free content. Also helps generate leads for the business – I would put a big Request More Information button at the bottom of each interview
one of the best and usable suggestion for domain owners 🙂
I’m using your methods Elliot, especially press releases and interviews. Interviews are great and add really value by establishing relationship with your readers.
I have been overwhelmed with responses when I have posted ads for writers on craigslist. There seems to be a service that reposts the ads in a writers forum or job board because I get responses from all over the Country, even though I just post in my local city. I always send good applicants a test: “write a short article on X. I won’t use your article unless I hire and pay you.” Weeds out the lazy, tells me who is capable and motivated.
What is the writing quality on Craigslist?
How much are you paying?
When I use the test mentioned I get good writers. If not, then it is a crap shoot.
On I paid $20 per state/regional description. On my new, yet to be relaunched, site, I’m paying $15 per rewritten product description and this includes SEO keyword research and uploading the content and photos to the site.
I think these rates are high when compared to sending your writing offshore. But, I’m using real professional writiers from the US.
Being located in the Philippines, I could afford hiring writers in house. It’s much easier for me to control and produce lots of contents. But your said method is much better, you’d get the industry’s specialist to discuss while it’s uniqueness and useful contents appeal to both visitors and Search engines. Win – Win!
Some domainers also get affordable content from content writers. You can easily bargain for an attractive rate if you let the writer know you will use him long term. Most important thing to remember though is quality. Ensure you get reasonable content. If it is a high profile site it is a good idea to get a guarantee of quality. Otherwise it will be very expensive in the long run.That said,the internet is awash with good content writers and you don’t have to pay an arm and a leg. Just find them. If you find one keep him!
@ Martin
That’s very true, but keep in mind that when a customer writes something or is profiled, there is a very good chance that person will link to the article on his/its website.
You are right. Killing two birds with one stone.
My approach works for those who may not get people for interviews.