In a tweet this morning, NameBio reported that the valuable domain name was sold via Flippa for $50k:
EEE․com was the top sale of the day going for $50k at Flippa. CruiseInsurance․com came in second closing at $17,099 at NameJet. MedBox․com rounded out third at $15,300 on GoDaddy. That and more in today's #DailyMarketReport at
— NameBio (@NameBio) August 23, 2021
When I saw the tweet, I was surprised by the sale price, as I believe that domain name is worth substantially more. I don’t visit Flippa regularly so I never would have seen the listing, but I was bummed that I missed it anyway.
Apparently, the sale is not going to happen. According to a reply on NamePros, the sale was canceled due to a listing error. The NamePros member who shared this update said:
“I’m the buyer in this transaction at Flippa.
Unfortunately the seller (allegedly) did not realise that he owned the cyrillic punycode domain (еее.com) and listed at Flippa instead. Transaction is cancelled so this sale never happened.”
Hopefully, the buyer’s payment had not been sent yet. It’s peculiar that this domain name listing was not verified by the registrant.
“the seller (allegedly)did not realise that he owned the cyrillic punycode”
sure sure sure…..I believe everything on the internet
everything on the internet is so true!!
Expose the seller….
yea yea I did not realize I own the biggest and the best domain and website in the f universe “”
Yeah, I was surprised at the 50 K price/sale…worth mucho more, of course
Maybe, but that is where the bidding ended. This type of name mostly appeals to other domainers, they don’t get any more interest than random 3 letter .com’s from endusers.