TLDH News on .Miami and .Music

I received some news from publicly traded Top Level Domain Holdings (TLDH) about two gTLD registries the company is interested in operating. First, the city Commissioners in Miami, Florida voted unanimously to award the contract to apply for the .Miami gTLD  to Minds & Machines (subsidiary of TLDH).

The second piece of news from TLDH is its announcement of its plans to apply for the .Music gTLD. The company has signed a joint venture agreement with LHL TLD Investment Partners of Beverly Hills, a group that is made up of “leading music industry figures including artists, managers, music producers and lawyers.”

As of a February news release, TLDH had already applied for 40 gTLDs on behalf of itself and clients, and the company intends to apply for more gTLDs before the application window closes next month.

Full press release below.

Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
(“TLDH”, the “Company” or “Group”)

Minds + Machines chosen for dot MIAMI

The Directors of Top Level Domain Holdings Limited (AIM:TLDH.L), the only publicly traded company focused exclusively on acquiring and operating new generic top-level domains (“gTLDs”), are delighted to report that Minds + Machines has been chosen by the City of Miami to apply for the .MIAMI top-level domain. On 7 March 2012, the Commissioners of the City of Miami voted 4-0 to accept the proposal from Minds + Machines and requested Minds + Machines to begin work on the application for .MIAMI immediately. The Minds + Machines’ proposal was chosen following a competitive bid process. Minds + Machines is wholly-owned by TLDH.

Miami is a major tourist destination attracting over 38 million visitors annually who collectively spend on average US$17.1 billion each year. Miami is also a major business hub acting as a gateway between Latin America and the United States. Both Spanish and English are recognized languages in the city and the greater Miami area is the largest urban centre in the southeastern U.S. with a population of 5.5 million.

Antony Van Couvering, CEO of TLDH, commented:
“We are delighted to have secured the support of the City of Miami for .MIAMI. Miami is a key hub, a vibrant multi-cultural city recognized as a major fashion, retail, arts and commercial centre. Having its own top-level domain will enhance the standing of Miami globally and further enhance the City’s prominence in the field of technology and with the ever increasing importance of the Internet. We are well aware of the serious responsibilities given to us by the Commissioners, and we look forward to providing a modern, responsive and reliable .MIAMI registry.”

Top Level Domain Holdings has now announced that it has secured registry service contracts with clients for geographic and generic gTLDs in the US, Germany, India, Africa (.zulu), and New Zealand (.kiwi).

– Ends –

For immediate release: 23 March 2012

Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
(“TLDH”, the “Company” or “Group”)

TLDH to apply for .music

The Directors of Top Level Domain Holdings Limited (AIM:TLDH.L), the only publicly traded company focused exclusively on acquiring and operating new generic top-level domains (“gTLDs”), are pleased to announce that it has signed a joint venture agreement with LHL TLD Investment Partners of Beverly Hills California (“LHL”) to apply for the .music top level domain under the gTLD programme being run by the Internet’s governing body, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”). ICANN has formally opened the application window under which organisations can apply for the right to own and operate a new generic top level domain.

LHL consists of a number of leading music industry figures including artists, managers, music producers and lawyers. TLDH’s wholly owned registry services business, Minds+Machines, will provide back-end registry services and TLDH will co-invest alongside LHL in the joint venture.

Antony Van Couvering, CEO of TLDH, said:
“We’re thrilled to be working with leading music artists and professionals. This partnership brings financial weight and industry expertise to the table and confirms the value which we see in .music.”

On the 21 February 2012, the Company announced that it had already applied for 40 gTLD Application Slots on behalf of itself and its clients. The Company will be applying for a further batch of Application Slots before the Application Window closes on 12 April 2012.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I, too, want to sponsor a new tld and hereby affirm my committment to the tld process…

    YES, I am interested in trying to get an unreasonable number of suckers to sign up for my silly gtld and in annually charging them far more than the price of a .com.

    YES, I am interested in creating a new, longtail tld which will leak traffic like crazy and only help its .COM counterpart.

    YES, I am interested in trying to trick investors into believing that hundreds of thousands of idiots (no, wait…millions!!!) will actually want to set up cyber businesses under our .CRAPOLLA tld when history has clearly shown that there is no interest in alternative extensions.

    YES, I am interested in offsetting promotional and advertising efforts of each of the Fortune 500 — all of which exclusively use .COM. I acknowledge that I will also need to offset over 20 years of .COM brainwashing and am willing to certify that I have the trillions of dollars that will be needed to successfully do this.

    YES, I am interested in obligating myself to an ICANN contract that makes no sense and am willing to blindly support this business which will most likely be hemmoraging money forevermore with no possible exit strategy. I am prepared to go down with the ship and sell blood, sperm and my wife’s jewelry if necessary since bankrupcy can not be an option.

    YES, YES, YES…sign me up! I am very interested!


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