Nice Geo Domain Landing Page from Trafficz

I was watching the New York news tonight, and I saw the Mets opened a new baseball facility in Boca Chica, Dominican Republic. While I don’t care much for the Mets (nor the Yankees), I was more interested in learning a bit about Boca Chica. Of course I did a Whois search for and saw that it’s owned by a well-known domain investor, and I wanted to see what he was doing with it.
While it’s not fully developed, I think Trafficz created a great landing page for it. There are some flash images with different keywords on each. When you click on the particular keyword, related links populate the screen on the left. I think this is a nice step up for the standard landing page, and I think it could be very good for a geo domain that isn’t developed, since CTR tends to be low for parked geodomains.
While I think the best approach to geodomains is to develop them, I do think this is one of the nicest PPC landing pages I’ve seen for a geodomain.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
  1. I don’t get it. I think it looks awful and half-developed. I would much prefer a city picture like may have available.

    If it makes more money like this then so be it, but aesthetically I totally dislike it.

    I like the flash concept and think it will help improve the CTR.

  2. I think those landing pages have been there for many months now, perhaps over a year……Can anyone who uses one of those landing pages share the CTR here?

  3. I thought you meant (Adobe) Shockwave Flash at first, but realized they use JS and CSS. I don’t see whats nice about it though, the image fade looks cheesy and annoying and the white square looks so much like an adsense box that doesn’t fit in at all.

    Compared to other undeveloped domain names, this is very nice.

  4. Hi Elliot
    I read your blog often – thanks for sharing your information with us.
    Can I make a suggestion? Your wordpress installation is set up so that each post title is the same (Elliot’s Blog | Domain Investing News & Commentary). This isn’t good for your search engine rankings and also, when I bookmark any of your posts in Delicious, I have to change the name of the bookmark each time.
    I don’t have much experience with WordPress but I think this plugin might sort things out for you:
    All the best,


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