I’d like to sell a few domain names which are registered at either Godaddy or Moniker. These are posted in a few spots, and the first person to tell me he wants to buy them will get them.
CounselingJobs.com – Job related domain names are in high demand and difficult to acquire because so many are developed. There are millions of counseling jobs in the US alone – from drug counseling to marriage counseling…etc. Similar domain names have been selling for over $10k. CounselingJobs.com has a 2001 registration. BIN $9,000
SoccerGoalies.com – Soccer goalies are required to wear a lot of expensive equipment, including goalie shirts, gloves, and frequently pants. Goalies pay extra for this equipment, and since this niche is somewhat small for a bricks and mortar set up, this would be the perfect place for a soccer shop – either drop ship or custom inventory. SoccerGoalies.com has a 2000 registration. BIN $1,250
AbsintheWorld.com – This was previously a developed website that I picked up on a drop. Absinthe was recently legalized in the US and this spirit is growing in popularity in the US and is popular around the world. I like names that end in “shop, store, world”…etc because they are multi-functional. AbsintheWorld.com has a 2000 registration. BIN $900
SOLD on DNForum.
NewRochelleAttorney.com (New Rochelle, New York)
PawtucketAttorney.com (Pawtucket, Rhode Island)
LynnAttorney.com (Lynn, Massachusetts)
ChinoAttorney.com (Chino, California)
Buy these geo-industry defining domain names that would be great to pitch to local attorneys. BIN $400 each or $1,000 for all 4
First person to post “SOLD” will get the names they specify.
At first sight,
I thought you were selling
Abs in the world.com 🙂
Same here, first tought was about a gym or
something to build up your Abs. !
Kind regards
Absinthe has been in the news a lot lately:
Absinthe, Beyond the Mystique
Absinthes to Go Mad Over
Aw, ye know not the Green Fairy?
It is widely reported that Vincent Van Gogh has a little too much Absinthe the night he cut off his ear.
No one really commented on counselingjobs.com, but that one could turn into a nice little mini site. It’s got at least some traffic with a 20M Alexa rank, so that would be a nice investment I think.
Numeric domain names have been sold.