News Can Quickly Hurt a Domain Name’s Value

BuyDomains owns the domain name, and it is currently listed for sale at $145,000. I am sure this descriptive domain name receives a pretty good amount of traffic since there is an NHL team named the Thrashers. I don’t know if the Atlanta Thrashers or the NHL ever tried to buy the domain name, but assuming they inquired, they were obviously not interested in paying that much money for the domain name.

According to a  new report in the Atlanta Journal Constitution today, it appears that the Thrashers will no longer be playing in Atlanta after this season, and they will be moving to Winnipeg, Canada. Traffic to will likely decrease over the next few months, and it probably won’t ever recover to its highs. The value of this domain name will similarly fall.

Since the team was named after the Georgia state bird, the Thrasher, it’s highly likely the name will change. In fact, there was an article on the Yahoo Sports Blog about people already cybersquatting potential team domain names. Of course, as any Utah Jazz fans can tell you, there’s a chance the name won’t change.

The moral of this story is that even though you might think your name is worth significantly more than the high offers you received, there’s a good chance it’s not, and perhaps it never will be worth what you think it’s worth. Sometimes it’s better to sell for too little than to not sell at all.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Nice post. As a hockey fan,. I’ve been watching this one closely.

    But I’ve got to ask…does the guy really think he’s got a lottery ticket with Every NHL team is on a .com, what makes this guy think the Winnipeg team will take a .net?

    Some people love to blow their money

    And as for…I know when Atlanta first named the team, some skateboard company or magazine raised a stink about they name, saying it had a TM on ‘thrasher” so maybe they could be a possible end-user

  2. Remember which sold for ~13k to be the main brand for then they changed the name again within 6 months.

    Limited chances for big/most/any sales come along.

    I am sure the domain made next to nothing in PPC and who has time to truly develop 10,000 or even 250 domains, even using crappy services like et all (this is my opinion) and ALL mass develop websites are crap.

    Could the owner get more than 13k for probably but 13k is a lot more than it is worth now. redirects to….

  3. Just crazy what prices they ask for sometimes. They are even asking 480,000 for Is someone really going to buy that at the price. Maybe but I can see why they don’t sell many domain names as compared to what they own. They need to lower the prices.

    Just my 2 bits on this one.

  4. Hey Elliot – Speaking of pro hockey and domain names, have you ever noticed the Boston Bruins don’t own Being a Boston sports fan it always surprises me when I type in and land on a parked page. Surely the team has looked into buying the domain, but I’m guessing they have sticker shock. Judging by the whois it looks like the owner is Vertical Axis – Kevin Ham if I’m not mistaken. Would be interesting to know how much he quoted them.

    I don’t think it’s a huge detriment that they don’t own Most fans are savvy enough to do a search or try once they land on the parked page. Although Kevin must be getting some nice traffic right about now. Boston fans have been conditioned to type in just the team name for the website:,,… Maybe someday will be the Boston Bruins home on the web.

  5. @ Elliot
    “The moral of this story is that even though you might think your name is worth significantly more than the high offers you received, there’s a good chance it’s not”

    Reminds me of the guy who turned down $ for a few years ago.

  6. value of a domain name is mostly looked at the traffic it generates and the possibility of a domainer buying it and looking to resell it for a profit. for an end user of the domain name their purpose is much different and thats the reason they pay top dollar. By recent sales like, suddenly names like seem to fetch 6-7figures.

  7. And don’t look for Atlanta to get another team anytime soon. The NHL is doing better but the NFL’s draft combine gets better ratings. The NBA and NHL were thinking contraction; the NHL might now get by without it. Winnipeg will be a great hockey town and Atlanta will never get it again.

  8. There are more hockey fans per square mile in Canada than the US, and Canadians spend the most time surfing the web in the whole world, so I am not sure why you are assuming that the traffic to this domain will go lower. I don’t think even half of the city of Atlanta is a hockey fan, wehreas the whole state/province of Manitoba population is. If the team retains the name of thrashers, then in my opinion traffic will increase or at least remain the same.

    PS: I don’t own or have any interest in the domain I am just making an observation. Psersonally, I think the domain is over priced anyway.


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