I was curious to see how many Heartbleed domain names were registered after the heartbleed bug was announced a week ago. I did some research and I was able to find this out, and I want to know how many you think were registered.
Mind you, the Heartbleed.com domain name was just registered at GoDaddy on April 5, 2014. Prior to this date, I highly doubt there were any (or many) other domain names in existence that had the heartbleed keyword. Interestingly, Heartbleed.com was originally registered to someone in what appears to be Slovenia back in 2007. Later on in 2012, the Heartbleed.com domain name was owned by Oversee in 2012, but it appears to have expired in June of that year, where it sat unregistered until April of 2014.
If you know how to get this information, please don’t share it in the comment section. I think it would be more fun to guess the number without knowing the actual number of registered domain names. I’ll post an update later on with the actual number of registered domain names.
Posted on April 12 http://www.thedomains.com/2014/04/12/heartbleed-com-regged-a-week-ago-already-a-us-top-5000-alexa-ranking/