I don’t own a single .mobi domain name and I have absolutely no plans to register or purchase any now or that I can see in the future (just want to avoid an avalanche of emails with domain names for sale).
With that being said, I must say that I found DomainFest.mobi to be very useful when I was at the DomainFest conference. Oversee.net set up its mobile site on DomainFest.mobi, and it allowed me to quickly access the DFG agenda and get other information from my Blackberry very quickly.
In looking around the site a bit tonight, it looks like the folks at .mobi set it up using its goMobi service. I don’t know how much it would cost for someone to build a site like this, but it’s interesting to consider.
I am not really that tech savvy, so I don’t know if conference organizers could have done the exact same thing with DomainFest.com simply by detecting my Blackberry. I believe JetBlue (among many other websites) automatically detects Blackberries and other mobile devices and provides an optimized site without having a mobile-specific url.
In any event, I thought it was a very good use of a .mobi domain name.
I found it handy too but pretty sure they didn’t need to have it on a separate domain . 🙂 . . .maybe it was quicker to do it that way ?
I totally agree! It was very useful — and I’ve found the same to be true with many .mobi sites I’ve used in the past. They are not just shrunken down versions of the full site – like many mobile sites — they actually are streamlined properly so you only get the most relevant information optimized for a mobile engagement. Two thumbs up from me.
@ Lori Anne Wari
Please do not waste your time writing about .mobi
Please spend your time on .co ! I can see everywhere negative posts on the internet after yesterday sedo premium .co auction.
Isn’t .mobi just a look into the future of what .co will become?
Except that the .mobi extension has some uses, where the .co was just invented to make someone a lot of money?
I may miss out but I will not buy any .co names.
@ Joey
The key is marketing, IMO. .Mobi doesn’t really make sense to most people, where .CO would. Keep in mind that there are already many .CO in use (.CO.UK, .CO.IL….etc).
Thanks for the kind comment Elliot—and to my friend Lori Ann Wardi over at .co as well. We are quite proud of our new goMobi service that was used at DomainFest even though I missed it this year unlike some of my other dotMobi colleagues!
A lot of folks may not realize that about 15% of all Internet traffic is now mobile, so if you don’t have a site that works well on all mobile devices it’s like closing down your website to traffic one day every week. If your site looks like junk or does not load up fast on a mobile phone users will not put up with that experience and go somwhere else that works.
With our goMobi service anyone can build a site in about 5-10 minutes that works on all phones. Mobile traffic is automatically detected and then content is adapted and presented correctly for http requests coming from any mobile device.
Since I’m the global sales guy here I’ll plug that goMobi sites are fast, easy and cheap to build. You can also resell if you are looking to get on the mobile train and expand revenue options in tough times.
Learn more and get a free trial from some of our wholesale and retail partner/resellers at goMobi.info or go.mobi.
I have setup a few mobile websites with goMobi:
It has promise (certain parts are easy to use and well done).
It costs around $3 per month wholesale and what little I have seen of ‘retail’ pricing is all over the place.
When another poster says the following it should be taken as ‘high’ level concept and what they wish it would do:
“Mobile traffic is automatically detected and then content is adapted and presented correctly for http requests coming from any mobile device”
The automatic detection did not work on my first two tests and this was acknowledged as a bug with no fix. A recent upgrade was released and it still does not work for me.
The google analytics also appears to be incomplete and without a fix.
However, you don’t have to run goMobi on a .mobi site. For example I have one at http://m.cssil.us.
I do think goMobi has some potential. Probably in niche areas as the template only works for some type of businesses.
Also, one concern for me is I don’t know exactly how long goMobi has been around, but it feels like the code is ever so close, but stagnant and the upgrades and fixes might not ever come out.
Typo correction: http://m.cssi.us