I have an exclusive offer for readers of my blog: I am giving away two FREE tickets to the Geodomain Expo in New Orleans next week, April 28-30. I can’t attend this year’s conference, so I am offering my tickets to my readers (I’m going on a vacation to Paris, so I can’t really complain).
The Geodomain Expo is one of the best domain conferences and I think it’s the best conference for networking. The #1 reason people attend the conference is to meet other successful domain developers and the GeoDomain Expo is the place to do it. If you are interested in my tickets (and are sure you can attend) please post a comment in the comment section.
I will create a list of those who are interested in Excel and work with Associated Cities Executive Director Patrick Carleton who will use a random number generator to choose the people that will get the free tickets. The winners will be chosen on Sunday, April 25th.
I think it’s pretty obvious, but the only thing included is the conference ticket – no hotel, airfare, food or any other expenses :). Also, this ticket can’t replace a previously purchased ticket.
Id be interested in going
You can add me to the list. Last years show was great!
i am interested! sign me uppppppp
ps i fit in paris suitcase too!
Add me too, wify going with no ticket, this would be fantastic.
Add me to the list please.
Thank you,
Please add my name for consideration.
I am in Houston and could easily attend.
Woohoo, this is exciting! Please add me to the list!
OK – I’ll bite too! Add me to the list! I hadn’t planned on going, but FREE is always pretty compelling!
Please add me as well!
Pikc me to go please .
Thank you for the offer but I can not attend so don’t include me.
@ Bob
with a site like OceanSide.com, you should of booked your ticket long ago. Hope to see you there. Bring the wify.
I would be honored to attend and will name my first born son “Elliott” in your honor” should I win the tickets.
@ Todd
I’ve added you to the list, which is now 10 people. In an hour or so, Patrick Carleton of Associated Cities will be choosing the two winners with the help of the random number generator on Random.org. I will announce the two winners (and a back-up in case one person can’t make it) a little after noon today.
I have had great dot geo domains in many extensions (Maui.US, Hawaii.CC, LakeTahoe.Biz), and would like help in develoment.
Please do put me on the list for the dot geo conference
Thanks Elliot,
Wify is grateful and so am I.
Tony is pissed……lol
@ Steve
LOL… it’s Patrick’s fault 🙂