If you do many transactions at Escrow.com, it can be a bit cumbersome to find a specific historical closed transaction in your control panel. You’d have to scroll through many pages of transactions to find a specific transaction, as they are listed by date in your control panel. Some people have hundreds of pages of historical purchases and sales.
Escrow.com recently updated its control panel and it now allows users to search for specific transactions.Users can search through their escrow history using the transaction name, domain name that was bought or sold, or the email address of the counter party.
This is particularly helpful for people who have closed portfolio deals where the bought or sold domain names are not included in the name of the transactions. For example, if you sold 20 domain name portfolios and the transaction titles did not include the names, it would be difficult to find a transaction that included one particular domain name. With the new search functionality, the user can search for a specific domain name that was included in the deal, and any transaction that had this domain name would be returned in the results.
This is a small fix, but it is helpful to know it now exists.
Thanks to Alan Dunn for sharing news of this update.
I never knew that such a company existed, It will be nice to use them do my transactions online.
Thanks Elliot for the great article.
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